Just bad dreams

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Chapter one.

I sat up really fast in my bad and was breathing heavily. "it was just that stupid dream again" i thought to myself.

" Are you okay??? What wrong??" My sister Jenna asked worried. She is my adopted sibling. I love her very much.

" It's nothing really I am fine." I told her trying not to have her worry although she already is.

"Okay mom my buy that crap, but I don't so tell me right now what's wrong... Is it that dream again?" she said really fast. Almost so fast that I kind of need a minute think about what she might have said.

" Yes, it is." I said looking at the ground.

"Can you just tell me what this dream is about already i can see it is bothering you? I can't stand to see you this way no sleep and scared to fall a sleep because of it."she said sitting on the side of my bed and took my hand.

" It is about my real parents and when they died. You know in that big car crash. People came and took my mother away, and then they were coming for me. but I woke up before they could." I said looking up at her.

" I'm sorry this dream is haunting you, but this is normal." she said trying to make me fell better. "every one has bad dreams."

" yes they do have bad dreams, but do they have them over and over and over and over again??" I questioned.

"I.. I don't know... Stop worrying about this. Hurry get ready mother has breakfast ready.." she said walking to the door to leave.

" Okay.. Be down in a few.." I said getting out of my bed. When she left i got out of my P.J.'s, then went to my closet and got my clothes out. Got dressed, and ran down stairs to the kitchen.

"Good morning." my adopted mother said smiling at me. Ever since she adopted me she as be nothing but nice to me, and I am grateful to her.

" Morning." I said sounding tried.

" You okay?" she asked sounding worried.

"Yup... Just tired..." I said yawning and trying my best not to worry her.

" You sure?" she ask still sounding a Little bit worried.

" Yes, I am perfectly fine." I said trying to insure her that I was fine. She isn't the easiest person to convince.

" okay if you say so. Just remember you can talk to me about any thing I don't care what it is as long as I can help okay?" she said pushing my hair behind my ear.

" Yes I know you tell me every day. I love that I can talk to you, but I am just tried." I said looking right in to her beautiful blue eyes.

" Okay sweetheart, breakfast is ready and all you have to do is eat it okay? Well I am off to work have a good day love you both bye." she said walking out the door.

" love you too, have a great day." me and my sister yelled after her at the same time.

" Okay I am off to school, you sure your okay?" she asked grabbing her back-pack.

" Yes I am fine, have a good day." I said waving good bye to her. 

" Okay you do the same. Love you see you later!" she yelling running out the door. As she ran out the door I blew her a loving kiss good bye. After I was done with my breakfast, I put the dishes in the sink to wash later. On my way to the computer room or office I grabbed a soda from the fridge. Walked up stairs and sat down at the computer when I heard a "knock knock knock at the door.

"They'll go away." I said to myself. I sat my soda on the desk, pressed the power button. Then looked out the window and saw a S.U.V.

"Hello." I hear some one say after a few knocks on the door again. I quietly ran down stairs and went to the door and listen to hear for what was happening. "Okay no one is home... Pick the lock We have to get in that house." some one yelled.

" Shit." I whispered to myself and ran all the way to my sister's room. Then grabbed her baseball bat and hid in the closet.

"We're in!" some one that is now inside yelled to others.

"Search the house." I heard some one yell to other I think. Then almost as soon as he said those words I heard people enter the room. I held my breath as some one was standing right in front of the closet door.

Get out of here this is not her room. Get out!" some yelled loudly just as some one put there hand on the door handle, then they slowly took there hand off the door. I heard foot steps leaving the room, "boom" the door closed the door. I let out a sign of relief.

"Hey guys you really need to see this." some one yelled excitedly.

"What is it." I think the boss said.

"Some one is here." he said calming down a little.

"Oh, I know where they are." he said pleased with him. Then I heard them start to walk this way. " In here." he said standing right in front of the closet door. He put is hand on the handle and slow turned. Then "whoosh" it flew open.

"Stay away from me.. I have a baseball bat and I'm not afraid to use it." I said with my eyes closed and shacking.

" Yeah whatever.. Get her.." the boss man laughed.

"Get away!!" I screamed swinging the baseball bat.

"You're a smart girl put the bat down." he said remaining calm.

" No!!!! Just stay away from me.." I yelled

"Shut her up. People might here, but don't hurt her we need her unharmed." the boss man yelled starting to get annoyed.

"Yes, sir." one of his men said turning and starting to walk tortes me. As he was walking i ran straight at them and hit him with the bat and ran to the window still gripping the baseball ball with fear.

"Get her away from the window some how." Mr. Boss man said.

" Don't jump... It's not worth it.. Be smart don't jump." One of the other men said walking tortes me .

" Like i would jump.. That's just stupid, okay." I said opening the window.

"Get away from there." said boss man getting angry.

"No.." I said throwing the bat and watching it hit some one right in the face. "Awww! did that hurt it looked like it did." I said smiling. Then trued to the window and jumped out it. I landed right on the house next door and started to climb it like spider-man. Once to the roof and started running then jumping house to house, roof to roof.

"Don't just stand there her." Sir. Boss man yelled angrily with a hint of worry. 

"Yes.. Boss." Some yelled to him. "Hey come back here or I will be forced to shoot you." He yelled now standing on the roof. I turned to face him.

" Yeah r..." Before I can finish i hear a gun shot and I feel the pullet go through my shoulder. As i fall to the ground I start to wounder if they are the one's who took my mother, what do they want with me and, do they want to hurt me?

"Pick her up and take her to the van. We need to get her to the medical cinter at head quarters as soon as possible." I think the boss man said. Around five men were standing aroung me, about to pick me up, when I blacked out.

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