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He traced the sketch of the girl's face, the lines connected by points, forming the most exquisite constellation he could ever even imagine.
"You did this?," he questioned Scorpious.

"Yeah, mate," he replied dimly, still hungover over the drunken love he thought he shared with the girl.

"You left her eyes blank," Albus commented.

"There were far too many ways to decipher them," Scorpious retorted.

Albus nodded slowly in agreement. After months of dreaming of Kiara, some nights he could imagine her eyes changing with every blink. A galaxy, blink, tidal waves crashing upon shore, blink, sunset over a gorgeous horizon, blink.

He fell in love with those eyes.

Kiara left Hogwarts when her family moved back to France. She told her friends of how she wanted to return to her childhood home, in hopes of recovering any memories. She gave her beloved snake, Basil, to Albus.

Scorpious would never tell, but she gave her unfinished constellations to him. He agreed to give the sketchbook back to her someday, the stars completely connected.

Both boys doubted to see her again.

The two young men laid across the Slytherin's table in the Great Hall, a few scrolls of parchment and a book filled with drawings splayed out around them, Basil at their feet.

The night had been eventful. The boys had been at Hogwarts for around two weeks now, workinfg as groundskeepers. They made everything look extravagant and did all they could to show pride in their work- as for this year Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry would be hosting the Triwizard Tournament. After a magnificent feast in the great hall, Headmaster McGonagall briskly announced all that was happening.

After a long discussion over the Hogwarts victor that had been side by side along Albus' father (that had died ) and a pot of tea, the two boys, warm and full, headed to the Great Hall from their shared hut (Hagrid having to tale another year off due to an injury caused by a dragon, Norberta) to marvel at the stars, a long black snake and a tiny three-legged cat at their feet.

So here the two were, dressed in Muggle sweats, sprawled across a table, marveling over one's artwork with a snake coiling and slithering around them for attention, speaking of the bright girl.

"I think she's right," Albus commented. "Stars are like people. Here for a moment, then gone. Never permanent. Except we don't always leave a trace."

Scorpious sighed. "But she did. Her trace was the brightest of all. She was the most luminous."

Stars are not permanent. The sun is a star. It will one day die a slow, undramatic death. Humans are not permanent. We don't have a role in this life. In perspective, nothing really will always stay around and have a true purpose.

Kiara liked to ignore that theory.

Kiara wanted to be forgettable.

Her new home was Beauxbatons, for her last year of schooling. The girls were vivid and vicious. She went along unnoticed, longing to see the stars with each passing day. She disliked many things about her new home for the year.

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