Hi my name is Katara but everybody calls me BriBel and i live in L.A and every summer I go to D.R and it's really fun! So now school is out and summer is in. Now i'm at the airport time passes and i'm on the plane and so it lands
Wait What!!
RomanceLove love love 3 guys and wait what so i like 3 guys and it's complex so I'm trying to figure out who I love more and my whole life is a movie and full of drama 32 guys are in love with me and they want to be my boyfriend but I say maybe or no or so...
Sup BriBel in the house but it's katara
Hi my name is Katara but everybody calls me BriBel and i live in L.A and every summer I go to D.R and it's really fun! So now school is out and summer is in. Now i'm at the airport time passes and i'm on the plane and so it lands