Best Night Ever

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I was walking nervously across the stage. We got all the crowd's attention. This time it's our turn to perform.

People are cheering, and there I saw Erick, and when there's Erick then he must be here too.

The music started and we began dancing..

Erick: Matt! There she is!

My heart skipped a bit.

I saw him, cheering.. I continued dancing even more.

Until.. Our performance came to an end, we then turned our back at the crowd. They're clapping.

I was at the back stage. Still my heart can't stop beating so fast, not because of panting but because I saw him.

I then noticed a hand at my shoulder, and there I saw this tall guy that I saw earlier. It was Matthew.

Matt: Sofie you're awesome!
Me: ow. Thanks Matt :)
Matt: so mind if you'll gave some time to eat with me at the KFC?

That was.. Unexpected. I won't waste this kind of opportunity!

Me: KFC? Ya sure? Your treat? :)
Matt: why would I invite you if it's not my treat?!

He then gave me this kind of look -__-

Me: okay2 i'm just gonna get my--
Matt: I will.

Omegesh he took my jacket for me!!!

And there, we started walking away from the crowd. There still lots of performances to be held we're the 3rd ones.

He excused his self to his friends. And the guys are like
"Goodluck Matt" the hell. I'm kinda nervous -_-

I hopped in his car. And my gosshh!! My favorite song played!!! 'Hanap-hanap' by JaDine ❤ it's a Filipino song ;) try to search it.

I guess he noticed my reaction when my eyes turned big because of the song that I heard.

Matt: what's wrong?
Me: amm nothing.

He then smirked -_-

We're off to KFC.

The atmosphere was silence. He then broke it and asked a question.

Matt: so how's school?
Me: good.
Matt: how's your health?
Me: good.
Matt: are you happy with your friends?
Me: as always.
Matt: so you don't need anyone?
Me: what do you mean?
Matt: ya know. Amm anyone that could make you happy, make you smile, make you laugh?
Me: I already have God, Friends, and my Family. It's enough.
Matt: owww

His face turned like this :(

What's wrong with my answer? Ow wait. Let me change it.

Me: but.. If there's a chance that someone will come to my life unexpectedly, then i'll welcome him or her. It's free ya know
Matt: :D
Me: :)
Matt: we're here.

He then parked his car.

Matt: wear your jacket.
Me: why? It's so hot
Matt: just wear it!
Me: why? Isn't there any fashionable trends like this? *pointing my outfit*
Matt: do you wanna hear wistles from perverts there outside?!

We both visited by silence. okay2 I wore my jacket. I'm now wearing a skinny waistline jeans and a white spaghetti. I hate wearing this but this outfit is better than wearing a dress. -_-

He took his keys, and hopped out of the car. He then escorted me. How sweet?

We went our way to the KFC. And there he ordered everything . Gosh. Rich kid be like.

Minutes passed,we started eating, my eyes went big when I saw a jumbo French fries <3 he probably win my heart, but hahaha. There's no chance. I heard that she likes Dexie. (My cousin's classmate)

Tick tocks.

Fudge. I'm so full. Wait. Didn't I planned a diet?! -_- arg. Anyway this is life.


First chappy :) hope ya like it ❤

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