I'm Done With You Forever [1/2/3]

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Monday September 15

I dropped my dark green flats onto the ground. My phone vibrated softly in the pocket of my white sweater jacket. I placed my large black shades over my eyes to protect my light brown irises from the glaring September sun. I stepped further out of my car and flipped open my phone. The only person I knew going to this school that I actually got along with had text me. Scott in big letter filled my cell's screen. I daintily hopped up the stone steps leading to my high school. The text was normal message he sent out to everyone. He was actually pretty popular but, he seemed to be friends with me, and best friend Resa (short for Teresa). Resa's was accepted to some private all girls' school. When I reached the big brass door of "north side high home of the Vikings", I finally decided to open his text. The message on my cell's screen said,

Hey guys the day is finally here who's excited? I am. anyone who wants to sit with me at lunch go to the left corner round table. Lisa sorry I never called u. I'll talk to you later. & Maggie? See you @ 1st period.  


I laugh softly at his message and mentally reviewed my outfit. First impressions matter. I wore a hunter green empire top with a twirly white skirt. Dark hunter green (again) leggings topped it off so I wasn't showing too much skin. And then my amazing flats that I got the day before but already loved. The door swung open before I even touched its cold brass handle. I recognized the tall boy from some junior high dances. He had light brown hair, dark green eyes and a killer smile. He must have recognized me too.  

"Ohh hey! Your Maggie right? I think I know you, Scott introduced us?" He asked holding the door open for me. He wasn't carrying any books to my surprise, and I though I was early.  

"Brett, right?" I asked cocking my head to the right. I could spare a few minutes to flirt. Plus he was good looking and I had danced with him a few times at dances. He nodded, grinning like a fool. Yup, flirting worked on this boy.  

We talked for bit about our different classes. I glanced over his shoulder and saw Scott standing behind him. Scott waved, and then made inappropriate gestures at Brett's back, trying to get Lisa to laugh. Lisa laughed lightly and her group of little friends followed as she walked off to her locker. Scott yelled something to Brett that I couldn't make out.  

"Commin'!!" He yelled back.  

"Maybe we'll have some classes together" I flirted a bit more, even though I knew I need to get to my locker if I wanted to get to class early.  

"Hope so." he grinned and ran after Scott. I walked down the now filling hall on the way to my locker. It came open easily unlike some of the people's around me. They had to beat on them and kick them, to get the lockers even to open a little bit. I filled it with all my necessities, grabbed my anatomy book, and walked of to room 218 Mr. Locket. With plenty time to spare I wandered the hall for a little bit. Finally after a little tour from some very helpful sophomore girl, named Hope, I went to anatomy. I quickly grabbed a seat in the far back near the window. I opened my phone under my desk and turned it on silent. I sent a quick text to Resa, who wasn't in school yet, telling her how much I missed her. The class room began to fill and I looked up just in time to see two people, a boy and a girl, walk in. I would have assumed they were a couple but they looked so much alike. Both had golden blonde hair except the boy's was a little darker. Also the boy was insanely tall, and girl was really short. Shorter than my 5'4 frame. The girl skipped over and dropped down in a seat in front of me. She turned and grinned at me. I smiled back.  

"I'm Dakota." She said using it as a greeting. Her golden blonde hair had been curl then combed through to look like a natural wave. Her sea-green eyes sparkled with excitement.  

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