I'm Done With You Forever [6. prt 1.]

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i promise to write more.  

warning now I'm actaully a freshman now, so I know what happens in the freshman class. lets just say my story is MAJORLY edited in morals and language.  

READ! (:


When he turned around to yell at Tristan some more, I stuck my tongue and wiggled it scrunching up my eyes at Mr. Locket's back.

Dakota was shaking with laughter and in tears when Mr. Locket turned around. He looked at her with an insane look on his face, then slid his glance over to me. Then back to Dakota. He did that a few more time, but I kept a completely strait face staring down at my spiral, doodling a very exquisite pictures of stick figures playing soccer. My phone buzzed gently in my bra. My eyes widened and so did several people's around me. Dakota just laughed harder. I looked at Mr. Locket but he was to busy writing Tristan's pink slip (detention slip), to notice.  

I leaned forward and pretended to adjust my bra, pulling out my phone. Scott stared at me, mouth gaping.  

"Stop stripping in class" He whispered then turned around. I glared at his back. I slowly open my phone opening a text from Tristan.

Hes jus lookin 4 a reason 2 give u detention  


I smirked and nodded at him, He grinned back and nodded. Quickly I saw him holding his book a few inches from his chest and I realized his phone hidden there. I rolled my eyes.

ikr? Have fun in detention  


He raised his eyebrow at me, looked me up and down, then returned to tapping his fingers on his "notebook". A.K.A. Texting discreetly.

Hes already mad at u. so come with.  


I looked at him a slowly shook my head. Then mouthed, "No way dude." Tristan sorta smirked a little, and sent me another text before I could respond.

hey maggs...nice sweats, r those dress code?  


My mouth dropped open and I glared at him. He better not say anything, He better not say anything, I chanted in my mind, crossing my fingers. I would happily beat him till he bled from the eyes in detention, if he said anything.

I was going to respond with some slightly inappropriate language but Mr. Locket turned around and I shoved my phone in my boot. I pretended to be fixing my sweat pants tucking then back in my boots. Mr. Locket eyed me suspiciously, like always, then mentioned casually,

"I like your sweat pants Maggie, but unfortunately," because he really that. "there not dress code. Oh look the third time," he said in mock surprise. "Detention"

Tristan wiggled his tongue at me adorably, because if anyone can make sticking out your tongue cute, he can.

I narrowed my eyes and glared at him. I got up slowly took my book and my pink slip, when a loud noise came from the hall. Mr. Locket through up his hands like, Really? And walked at to go yell some more. Every one immediately began talking, I sat down on the floor, and stuck my tongue out at Tristan. He pretended to sit on me, and I let out shriek, so he sat next to me.

"Telepathic now?" I asked him with pretend fear.

His eye brow rose and I laughed at his expression. I started playing with his hair, braiding it. I could resist doing it with Chelsea staring at us shooting me daggers, but it made me feel a little uncomfortable. I motioned my friend Sue Lynn, a foreign exchange from Japan, to help me. She laughed and agreed. But every time she tried his hair or got any place near his neck he'd jump or make a weird noise. He leaned over whispered in my ear

"Her hands are really cold!"  

I burst into giggles. Sue Ling looked at me but I shook my head.

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