Chapter 1: Chicken Curry

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The bell rings.


I've just finished English with Mr Hartford. I gather up my books and folders. I hate English. Today's lesson was grammar, I also hate grammar. In my opinion, there's no need for it. I think all of humanity is better off with spell-check, or a 'Check My Grammar App'. Because that's the kind of world we love in now. Technology this, and technology that.

I walk down the hallway, topping up on lipgloss as I go. I see all the posters littering the hall. Prom. There's a buzz going around, like the feeling you used to get the night before Christmas. Everyone's excited for prom.

Someone's calling my name, so I stop and turn around.

"Kacy! Kacy wait up!" It's Tay.

"What's up girlfriend?!" I yell.

"Nothin' much," she shrugged. Acting like completely different from the girl screaming down the corridor like two seconds ago.

"Then why did you scream my name from across the hall?" I asked, eager to hear her response.

"Come on Kacy, you know that we always walk to lunch together!" Tay whined.

Yep. That's my Taylor Perkins. We've been together since 10th grade. She's..... perky. Like her name. Its not just her, her whole family is like that. But I guess perky-ness is what makes the Perkins, well, Perkins. Yeah. Tay is the kind of girl that would call out your name like a lunatic just to keep up some stupid tradition that was going two years straight.

I stop of at my locker on my way. I fix my hair in the mirror I put in the back of my locker. People think I'm such a diva just because I have a mirror installed in my locker. Joke's on them really, 'cause they sure aren't using my mirror when they need to fix their messed up hair after a sweaty gym class with Mr. Kenneally. It's called practical thinking.

I'm in the middle of brushing my side fringe when someone puts their hands over my eyes. They smell of cologne.

"Guess who?" whistled a familiar voice.

"I don't know. Could it be Garrett?" I guessed sarcastically.

"Hey! You guessed correct! You will be taking home the fabulous prize of a kiss from the actual Garrett Stevinson! Can we have a round of applause for our winner tonight!" Garrett announced in the voice of a tv game show presenter, he leant over and kissed my fore-head.

Suddenly, the school's newsletter editors jumped out of nowhere and snapped sneaky shots of me and Garrett. Rumor has it that we're going to be crowned king and queen for prom this year. It's gonna be magical.

Garrett's my boyfriend by the way. Everyone says I'm the luckiest girl alive since I'm going out with Garrett. He's like the hottest guy in school. And it's true, he's pretty hot. Although, he didn't really have much competition to be honest.


I walk to the cafeteria with Tay and Garrett.

Today's lunch special is......

Chicken curry.

I know what you're probably thinking. Mmmm..... Chicken curry. But I doubt you'd say the same thing about what we get slopped on our plates.

But luckily, I'm more fortunate than everybody else. For lunch, me, Tay and Garrett, get V.I.P. lunch passes. Why? You're probably wondering. It's because of me.

I'm the most popular girl in this school.

Garrett is the most popular boy in this school.

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