Chapter Five: Dream

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((ADMIN: contains mild smut... Unexpected and Unexperienced *~*))


Standing outside of Jonathans classroom, I pulled out my phone and sent him a message.

«Vanoss: yo lover-boy, look out the window»

I looked up from sending that message and noticed Jonathan got out his phone, he smiled and looked out the window, which gazed out towards the forest scenery.... I completely face palmed, 'what a retard' laughing at little as I watched him look around the forest plains, I texted him again

«Vanoss: other window dumb-fuck»

His face drew back to his phone screen and tilting his head he looked towards my direction, his face lit up and his hand shot up into the air as the teacher responded to the question he asked, Jon shortly lifted himself up from his seat and approached the door, lightly pulling it open he stepped outside of the classroom,the with a swift movement he quickly shut the door and grabbed me, pulling me closely to himself he wrapped his arms around my neck and tugged my head down to his height, suddenly he planted his lips onto mine, moulding our lips together, I felt him claw and run his fingers through my neatly gelled hair... Well it's not neat anymore.

I ended up pinning him to the classroom door and parted out kiss with a smirk, "did you really think you could get the upper hand" grabbing his chin I tilted his head up, which aloud me complete access to his soft neck, running my lips against his skin made me crave for him more, I slightly nipped at his neck which forced him to let out a little moan, unable to take it any longer I traveled down to the collar of his hoodie, tugging it aside which showed his collar bone, I moved my head close to his neck crook and slightly licked it, I teasingly blew on his dampened skin, causing him to shift with a shiver of pleasure, which ran down his spine, he then slightly moaned "E-Evan"





My eyes shot open as I looked at Tyler (Wildcat) who was standing right in front of me, I rubbed my eyes and looked at him, "I didn't know you were in my history class?" I groaned in a sleepy and hesitant tone,

((Admin: remember in my last book I skipped time to the end of second class mmm k :p ))

"I I'm not you idiot, you dozed off in History and then I managed to walk past your classroom and catch you, it's lunch time you idiot!" His voice hissed through my still adjusting ears, until I remembered what I dreamt about... I blushed madly and slapped the side of my face, causing me to instantly wake up, "holy fuck dude what's wrong!?" Tyler full of confusion spoke as I bolted out of the classroom, And headed through the school, panting and trying to get that sick dream out of my brain 'fuck man, that's so wrong... I'm straight, ew just God, fucking hell!' Shouting in my brain I slowed down and collected my thoughts.

I headed down the halls straight to Jonathan's classroom, the year 12's students usually got kept in for five more minutes due to extra studies and all that crap.

Walking past everyone I finally arrived to the block I desired, looking at all the numbers pasted on the doors I found the room, C13, I smiled and pressed my face against the glass window, allowing me to look into the classroom, I saw an oldish looking man standing in front off all the students, pointing to the board while talking about something.

Scanning across all the unfamiliar faces I finally spotted Jonathan, sitting in the back row of the class, intensively righting down information, I drew out my phone and sent him a message saying I was waiting for him, and with that I laid against the window and relaxed....

'I'm straight...'

And with that thought I drifted off to another land.......


Dude I didn't have much motivation for this chapter, XD it took me an hour to write on paragraph, which I ended up deleting and changing it to all that dream shit... I wanted to give it a try, it was my first attempt okay. Hope you enjoyed I guess

Vote, comment, and sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes
Feel free to Wattpad message me, cause I'm bored and have no friends
~ Yush

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