chapter one

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Arabella spent the next few days finding as much out about the Nazi party as possible. Previously, she had not troubled herself when politics was concerned. And why should she?
As she rightly said, who cares about all those men in suits?
But she was so happy that her father had changed that she wanted to see why.
The problem was that it is hard for a seven year old girl to find things out by herself.
Indeed, Arabella educated herself by asking her father and mother all about it.
Enjoying herself greatly, she made a list of her discoveries:

1) the Nazis are the leaders of the country.
2) the leader of the Nazis is a great man called Adolf Hitler.
3) her father is going to be very important and a great help to the country.
4) the country needs money because something called inflation is happening.
5) she should help her father because it would be a very good thing to do for her country.

This last point confused Arabella. She wondered what she could do to help the leader. When she asked the maid, however, all she said was that she should ask her father.
Arabella asked him one day when he got back from the office.
"What do you want me to do to help the leader and my country?" She inquired. Her father considered for a bit, his face lined with concentration. "Well for now all you need to do is tell everyone how you are supporting the Nazis. People need to know that times are changing. Germany is becoming great again."
"But," protested the girl, "none of my friends care. All we ever talk about is boring things like skipping and what we so at school. Whenever I start to talk about the Nazis, Lara always tells me to be quiet and that they shouldn't have won anyway. But," she continued as she worked herself up, "I dont understand. What did they win?"
"The election my dear."
"So... doesn't that mean they are good?"
"Of course. Some people are strange... Arabella?" He added as she turned to walk away, "can you help me?" Arabella nodded seriously and walked back. "Yes I will try."
"Find out who else doesn't like it when you talk about the Nazis." The corners of his mouth moved upwards slighty as he added "I think you are going to be very useful."

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