Chapter One: Panic Attack

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"Kayla! You're going to be late for school!" Dani called. "Hurry up and grab your toast!" I ran downstairs still putting on my shoes. I kissed my mum on the cheek and thanked her for the toast. Not waiting for a reply as I practically flew out the door. "BYE MUM!" I called out behind me. Hearing a faint "Bye honey!" as I ran.

I made it to the bus stop with 2 minutes to spare. Emily was already there, just like usual. "Oh look, the sleep-in student has emerged from her cave! About time, too, bus is about ta be here." she said, looking down the street towards the approaching blue and white city bus.

"Oh shut up, Em. We both know you would have waited for me whether the bus did or not." I laughed.

She looked at me, trying to hide a smile "You're lucky I'm your best friend. I woulda dumped ya little booty behind yesterday."

The bus pulls up right when I shake my butt in her direction, "'Little booty' you say?" I laugh. We both board the bus and sit in our usual seats in the very back. "Did you have fun last night?" I asked.

"With?" she had a sudden realization, "Oh, haha...yea..." she looked out the window. That was a sign she was lying.

"What happened?" I asked her, suddenly concerned for her.

She turned back to me with a frown on her face, "Sometimes I wish you didn't know me so well..." she looked down, "She broke up with me."

I put my hand to my mouth in shock. Emily and her girlfriend, Stacy, were the most well known couple in the entire city. They've been together for 6 years, from 4th grade to sophmore year. Them breaking up is crazy. "You're joking! Why on Earth she did break up with you!?" I asked.

"I...I don't know...I mean I do. She told me but...6 years Kayla..." she started to cry a little. "She said she thinks she loves someone else..."

"Who? Who could POSSIBLY be better than my bestie?" I asked a little more softly, handing her a pack of tissues I had in my bag.

She blew her nose a little, "Destiny Garcia."

I gasped. "DESTINY!? No fuckin' way!" My reaction rewarded in a few dirty looks from some passengers in front of me. I mouthed a sorry and continued with Emily. "Who would want Destiny over you though?" I asked, completely blind to any reason Destiny was superior.

"She has more money. She's prettier. She's so much-"

"Dumber? Don't even lie, she is far less beautiful than you. And if Stacy cares that much about money, then I say 'fuck her' huh? You're worth so much more than that chick. On a scale of 1 to 10, you're a 9 and I'm the 1 you need. Just us, okay Em? Just two best friends on a journey through this shit life together, okay?" I interrupted. She nodded and we rode the rest of the ride in silence.

* * *

Once we arrived at school, we could already see Stacy and Destiny surrounded by students curious about the sudden change. The moment someone saw us, half of them ran over asking if we were dating or if Emily had a new partner yet. It was like student paparazzi. I led her to the bathroom and we stood in the handicap stall so she could calm down. "They are blinkin' crazy! Jesus, what the heck?" I said looking through the crack at the few straggling girls waiting for us to come out.

I heard a quiet "Kayla..." I turned around and Emily was hyperventilating on the floor.

"Oh my God! Emily are you okay?" I began to panic. I picked her up and put her on my back like a piggy-back ride and told her to hold on. My goal was getting her to the nurse. I opened the stall and yelled out for everyone to move. I ran to the nurse's office, worried I was hurting her.

As soon as I got there, I laid her down on a cot and told the nurse what happened. "Was something stressing her?" The nurse asked as her assistant called 911. I explained to her everything that happened starting with what she told me on the bus to the bathroom. I was really worrying that Emily was gonna be sick or something. I heard the ambulance coming and began to calm down just a bit.

I told Emily she'd be okay, I'd always be by her side 100% of the way, even if they didn't allow me in the ambulance. She was crying hysterically and breathing way too fast. The paramedics came in with a stretcher and I asked if I could go, too. The one in the front said "No one in except family, kid. You family?"

"I've known her since birth, grew up with her, have gone through literally everything with her. We're sisters!" I exclaimed. He shook his head and said only blood related was allowed. I didn't want to waste anymore time so I ran to the hospital. It was only 3 blocks away so it wasn't too far for a fit person. when I got there, the ambulance had obviously beaten me so I asked the front desk for Emily Cyrus Mazzaville and she told me she was in room 209.

I got to her room and she was stabilized and sleeping. I sat by her bed and waited for her to wake up. Hoping it was just some kind of one-time panic attack. Hoping she was gonna be okay. Hoping that it was over. But that's a lot of hope isn't it?

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