Her Rain

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I slumped down on my bed and sighed. It was an extremely long day, especially after the Chloe drama I unleashed earlier.

I accidentally brought up some memories of Chloe's that she didn't want to think about, sending her into a frenzy. Joyce wasn't lying when she said Chloe could fly off the handle at the drop of a hat.

But still, I couldn't help feeling guilty for what happened today. Chloe has had a lot of tragedy in her young life, a lot more tragedy than I have experienced.

I mean, I've had my fair share of sadness in my life, but when I missed my dad, i'm able to call him. Chloe didn't have that luxury anymore.

It must of been hard for her when I left and even harder when Rachel left. She must have felt so alone.

She was so angry earlier that after her outburst she was completely silent. When she dropped me off at Blackwell, we never even said goodbye to each other.

I couldn't seem to get Chloe off of my mind. I knew she was sad and mad a lot of the time, but I worried about her a lot, especially after today.

I reached in my pocket and fished out the picture Joyce gave me this morning. I stared at Chloe's smiling face and tried to remember that last time I saw Chloe as happy as she was in this photo. I focused on the picture, feeling nostalgic as I remembered the lives of 13 year old Chloe and I, a time where neither one of us had a care in the world. It felt like a lifetime ago.

After looking at the picture for what seemed like forever, I needed to talk to Chloe. I needed to apologize for my prodding.

I picked up my phone and texted her.

Max: Hey Chloe? We need to talk. Can I come over?

I waited about ten minutes before I sent her another text.

Max: I understand if you're mad at me, but please answer my texts.

Waiting ten more minutes, I decided to just go over to her house.

I looked at the time. 4:45. Joyce and David shouldn't be home for a couple more hours still.

I gathered up my stuff quickly and headed to the bus stop.

I texted Chloe three more times on during the bus ride and two more on the walk to her house. None of my texts were answered.

As I approached her doorstep, I realized that I had no way to get into her house and I wasn't really into the idea of breaking in.

I twisted the doorknob and surprisingly, it was unlocked. I sighed in relief.

I walked inside and immediately heard crying from upstairs.


I ran up the stairs and swung Chloe's door open. I gasped. 

Chloe had her back to me with David's gun pointed at her head.

"Chloe! No!" I screamed. It was too late.


I quickly rewinded time as far as I could, not wanting to see Chloe's body hit the floor.

Time started playing at it's normal pace once again and Chloe was in front of me with the gun pointed at her head still.

"Chloe!" I still yelled, but there was a little relief in my voice. I ran to her and hugged her from behind. I grabbed the gun and tried to take it away from her, but she refused to let go. I compromised by forcing her hand to point the gun away from her.

"Max...Go away." Her voice broke. She turned her head away from me, not wanting me to see her cry.

"Do you think it's that easy to get rid of me?"

She sighed. "No, I guess not. It was worth a try." Before I could speak, Chloe spoke again. "You used your rewind, didn't you?"

"Yeah." I whispered. I couldn't lie to Chloe.

"So, I succeeded." She said it like it was a statement rather than an answer.


She tried to push me off her, but I refused to budge. "Then why did you rewind and save me, Max?"

"Are you serious? You're actually asking me that?"

"I succeeded. That's what I wanted."

"No, Chloe that's not what you want."

"Yes it-"

"No it's not, Chloe! How dare you say that!?"

"How dare you try to tell me what I want!? I told you earlier, my dad is fucking dead and I was betrayed and left by the closest people to me! I'm tired of Arcadia Bay and my shitty life. This is my only escape."

"What about Joyce?" I asked, hoping that would help to change her mind.

"Really Max? My mom would be a lot better if I never came along."

"Chloe, you and I know that's not true."

She hung her head. "That's what step prick said. He told me I was a huge burden on the family and that i'll never amount to anything."

"He said that!?"

She nodded.

"Fuck what he said. Joyce loves you, I know she does and what about Rachel? After we find her, how are we going to go on insane road trips without you here?"

Hearing Rachel's name made Chloe loosen her grip on the gun and I took the opportunity to rip the gun out of her hand.

"Max! Why-"

I laid the gun down gently and hugged Chloe so tight it knocked the air out of both of us.

"Listen, Chloe. You may think that Joyce and David and everyone hates you, but they don't. I swear on my life and even if they did, trust me when I say I love you enough for all of them combined. The thought of losing my best friend kills me inside. So please stay. For all of us."

"Max," She choked out before she started hysterically crying.

Chloe pushed me away enough for her to be able to turn around and hug me around the torso. She pulled me tight and cried into my neck. I loosened my grip on her and stroked her blue hair, soothing her.

"I love you too, Max. I love you so much." She mumbled in my neck.

I held her for what felt like hours. We stayed silent, but neither of us minded. I knew just holding Chloe was what she needed right ow. She had to know I was never leaving her.

Chloe pulled away and pushed me down on the bed. She laid on top of me, her head on top of my heart. 

After a few minutes I heard Chloe's soft snoring and sighed. It was hard to believe that I almost lost her.  I wouldn't have been able to deal with the loss, especially after what happened with Kate.

I was so happy I was able to save Chloe, she was my everything. Sometimes I thought of her as more than just a friend.

I remembered the kiss Chloe dared me to do earlier and smiled at the memory. I wished I was able to rewind that moment over and over again.

My eyes began to droop. I was extremely tired after the day I had with Chloe. I snuck a kiss on the top of her head and pulled her tight against me.

I fell asleep with a smile on my face and joy in my heart 

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