Spending the Night- 12

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Natalie leans back, "Wow that was good.  Thank you for the dinner."  She stops for a second before batting her eyelashes, "So, uh what time is Nate leaving?"

Aleister's eyebrows raise, both mine and Lia look confused for a second. Then realization dawns on both of us. Lia conceals a smirk and I conceal my rage.

Aleister though, doesn't get it and asks me.

I stutter for a second trying to be brave enough to ask, "I-I was wondering if maybe I could spend the night."

Aleister's eyes widen in surprise.  "But, it's a school night."

"School night?" Natalie exclaims.  "Like high school 'school night'?" 

I put my hand up in her direction, "No one asked you for your contribution."

Lia laughs before turning it into a cough.  Natalie folds her arms annoyed.

"We have school off tomorrow. Some teacher appreciation thing," I answer honestly.

"But your mom is probably wondering where you are," he says biting his lip.

I'm not sure if he's trying to deflect me from staying the night because he's afraid of what might happen between us or if he's genuinely worried about my life.

I don't see what's the big deal.  It's not like I'm telling him I want to fuck him on the table right this moment, although I'd like to, I'm not.  We can stay up watching scary movies all night or listening to music.  I can text my mom saying I'm at a friends house.  Speaking of my mom, she probably thinks I'm dead. 

He takes a deep breath, "We'll talk about this once they leave."

Lia pushes herself up, gesturing for Natalie to do the same.  Lia speaks, "I think it's actually time for us to go.  We'll show ourselves out, Nate, nice seeing you again, Aleister," she dips her head in good bye.  Natalie opens her mouth to say something but Lia drags her away.

Aleister and I stand up from the table.

Once the door closes Al turns right to me. "Spend the night? I really don't think that's a good idea."

I walk up to him and put my hand on his shoulder, "Don't freak out. We can just stay up watching movies." I move my face to his giving him a small kiss, "Or we can do other things."  He returns the kiss with a much more longer and deeper one than mine. His arm slings on my lower back as I put both of my arms around his neck.

We break away from our passionate kiss. Aleister speaks out of breath, "So what do you want to do first."

Instead of saying something sexual, which I really want to do, "Well first you can give me back my book."

He chuckles, "I almost forgot. Follow me."

As we go up to his room I text my mom saying I'm staying at a friends house.

And as suspected I got an unnecessary text about how she hasn't seen me in 2 days and when I get home I'll be in trouble.

Once we get into his room he opens the drawer in his desk and pulls out Life of Pi.

"So how'd you like it?" I question.

He bites his lip, a thing I notice him doing a lot more lately, "It was good. So Nate..."

"So Aleister," I mimic.

Nibbling on his bottom lip he sits down on the bed, "You're a kid, what am I doing?"

I sit next to him, "Hopefully me soon."

He laughs and shakes his head, putting both of his hands to my face, "Not gonna happen," before leaning in to kiss me.

His scruff brushes against my face but it doesn't bother me.

He reaches for a remote turning on music, which I have to say is not as good as my type of music.

As our make out session gets heavier he falls back on his back, me on top. My hand runs down his side reaching his belt buckle when my phone goes off.

I groan in despair, "Really!"

He laughs at this. I go to my phone to see my mom calling me.

"What?" I answer harshly.

"Nathaniel," she starts but I cut her off.

"Call me that again and I'll tell DCFS you're abusing me."

I can't see her, but I can feel how powerful her eye roll is right now, "Since you can't seem to get a handle on things, and I don't want you home alone tomorrow I decided you're coming to work with me and this time I'm going to actually put you to work. We have big clients coming in and it's really important so don't mess this up."

Usually I'd be pissed at coming to work with her but the thought of making Aleister squeal and my mom be confused at our sudden closeness makes the offer sound more appealing.


Mom sounds very confused by my response, "Okay?"

I laugh slightly, "Do you want me to protest and annoy you to the point you change your mind? Because I can gladly do that."

She scoffs, "No I just- no I'll see you tomorrow."

I hang up the phone.

Aleister brushes his hand against my face, "What was that about?"

I lick my lips, ready for the storm about to rain down on me, "My mom is taking me to her job with her tomorrow."

He sits up, "And you just agreed? Don't do anything stupid Nate."

I shove him down by pushing on his chest, one of my legs goes in between his and I get on him again, "I love it when you say my name."

He turns his head, eliminating the possibility of me kissing him, but I don't think he realizes that leaves his neck wide open to me. I kiss his chin, he visibly tenses. I move down to the top of his neck, "Don't worry, I won't try anything. I don't bite. Unless you ask me to."

I stay on one spot on his neck, definitely leaving a hickey. His rough hands grasp my sides to keep him stable but that only turns me on more. I suck harder on his neck causing a moan from. He rips my shirt from my head and I do the same to him. I kiss a trail down his stomach leading to his belt.

I would just like to take a moment to praise his body because his v-line is so sharp it could probably cut somebody. My hand again goes to his belt but this time it's not my phone that stops me, he does. His hand quickly grabs mine. I look up at him for an explanation.

"It's not that you're so young, well that has some part to it but I've never been with a guy and honestly, I'm just not ready. The thought of being with a person of the same sex like that is still a very weird territory and although it excites me, it scares me."

I nod going back up to his face, looking eye to eye with him. "Okay, then we can just makeout to your bad music taste." He chuckles, tracing circles on my shoulder blade with his thumb. He lifts his head to give me a kiss.

(A/N) Oh guys I can't wait to write the next chapter, I hope you guys will love it. Thank you all for the condolences everyone, it means a lot and it has been very hard. Please comment, share, and vote.



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