My Best Friend's Mother

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Déjà Vu

Claire was so happy and excited. It was spring break and she'd never been invited by anyone before not until a new girl from her class befriended her. She felt awkward as always, considering herself unattractive with her long, straight hair just above her shoulders and bangs just long enough to cover her wide forehead and not to mention her braces.

On the other hand, the new girl looks so pretty with her long wavy black hair, a pair of dark beautiful glowing eyes with perfect white teeth unlike hers. When she smiles half of the class froze for a while just by staring; admiring her beauty. Her name is Clarissa. She quickly became popular at a short period of time and gained lots of friends. But for some reasons she still hang out with Claire, who couldn't believe her luck.

A knock at the door startled her. She opened the door and there was Clarissa.

"Are you ready?" she said.

"Yap! All set. Bestie, are you sure I'm the one you want to take with you to your hometown? You know, I can be boring sometimes!"

Ever since the two girls become best of friends they called each other "Bestie".

"Crazy! Of course, I am sure. You are my best friend and I already told my parents a lot about you so don't worry. And besides my family are very friendly. Believe me they'll love you".

"If you so love it there, why did you leave and decided to study half way around the world?"

"For me, I would rather stay, but of course you know how parents are. They would say only the best for you especially when it comes to education. I guess they just want to make sure I will have a nice career if I finish college in a better school."

And they both laughed.

"Anyway enough with the chitchat. We have to go. It's going to be a long ride home."

"Okay, Okay I'm ready to go."

Claire stopped for a moment and looked back as they left the apartment where she'd been living for almost three years. For Claire, it felt like her second home. Shed has never been away from her room all that time, aside from those times when she had to go visit her parents.

A few loud honks made her jump and quickly locked the door.

"I'm coming! Geeeez!"

"Daydreaming at this moment-- seriously Bestie? Hurry up!"

"Fine. The airport is not going anywhere you know!"

"Oh yeah! But planes do genius!"

It was a fun-filled ride on the way to the airport, but Claire was exhausted when they finally boarded the plane.

I see a shaky, slightly dim hallway in front of me. As I blink my eyes, it seems to get further and further as I started walking with shaking steps. I feel dizzy somehow, but I can tell I am in a hospital hallway. How did I get here? That, I do not know.

I lean my back against the wall for a while as I start to feel discomfort in my head. A sudden sharp pain makes me bend my knees until I am sitting down on the floor. I didn't know how long I am in that position. The sound of babies crying makes me regain my consciousness.

What is happening to me? Or what has happened to me? I hear babies? Questions fill up my mind and make my head hurt again. The sound of babies crying makes it even worse. I eventually move my lips trying to ask for help. Finally, the voice came out.

"Help! Someone, please help me!" As I force myself to stand up a nurse comes to my aid and helps me stand, followed by another pushing a wheelchair.

"Thank you!" I say in a calmly more like weaker side of me.

"Claire, you shouldn't be wandering around, you are still weak!" Says the nurse while helping me sit in the wheelchair. She looks happy. Her face looks familiar, although I'm not sure if I knew her or saw her before. I can feel my brain as if my heart beats on top of my head. I gently put my hands in my forehead moving it in a circular motion, hoping it will somehow stop the pain.

"Why am I here? What happened to me? My head is aching?"

"Don't worry Claire it will be over soon you'll see."

"You really look familiar! Do I know you?"

The elevator opens and we get inside. The elevator descends and finally stops.

"Where are we? I think you pressed the wrong floor!"

"No, my dear we are exactly where we should be."

And she starts pushing my chair. She never thought she would be in a place where only happens in the movies; very creepy.

"Where are you taking me? This place is a mess I really think we're in the wrong place." I hear my voice, trembling.

Suddenly I heard a very familiar voice coming from that room. The room with C3 on it. We stop in front of it and the nurse knocks at the door. The door opens, and the voice is now clearer and louder.

It is Clarissa. She is wearing a red hooded gown and, along with others present in the room, is chanting some words I've never heard before. Then, they stop and look at her. She is horrified. Their faces. They look old, really old.

"Bring her here quickly!" Clarissa tells the nurse.

I try to stop her from pushing the chair, but I don't doesn't have the strength. As she gets closer to her with eyes wide open, I see that he face too is wrinkly old and peeling. This is not what my best friend looks like.

"Sisters, this is Claire my offering this year, a true pure and virgin. May her blood gives us youth and undeniable beauty."


"Claire! Wake up!" Clarissa had just slapped her face.

"Ouch! That hurts! She said.

"You were having a nightmare. We're here already touchdown girl!"

Claire pressed her cross pendant and takes it closer to her heart.

"Thank God it was just a dream! It was really creepy!"

As they walked to the exit, Clarissa waved her hand.

Mom! Mom! She called.

Claire looked around to where she was waving and it shocks her.

It was her. The nurse in her dream was her best friends' mother. All of the hair on her body rose and her legs froze.

No! This can't be. Was she still dreaming?


The End



NOTE:   ThanK YoU  VerY MucH!!! 

Don'T ForgeT To LeaVe A ComMeNt & VoTe! VoTe!VoTe!

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