Chapter 4

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It was two days later when the doctor who dismissed Ferne and I came through our door. As soon as I walked out of the hospital doors into the cold morning air I felt so much better to be out of there – to be free. My mind raced with ideas of what I could do first now that I was out of my medical prison. Do I see my parents? Find evidence that points towards the identity of the lightning man? No. I don't have enough energy to find him today. What I really need now is tea. The amount of tea given to patients in that hospital is very little, and I need some now to make up for it. I don't feel up to going home and being fussed over, so I wonder if Ferne wants to come with me to the drop in café down the road.

"Hey," I reach out and stop her from walking any further away. "Do you fancy nipping out to the café down the alley with me for a while? Celebrate our release?" I laugh on the last word, but it sounds strained despite our freedom.

She stays deep in thoughts for a while, looks at her watch and says "I really want to, but I should honestly be getting back to mum around now. She'll hear I've been let out soon and if im not home she'll start worrying again."

I understand. I should probably be going too. "Okay, you getting a taxi back?"

She nods. We say our goodbyes, even though we both know we'll see each other the next day, no doubt. I begin to walk towards the bus stop, when at the last moment I change my mind. I do a swift turn and start walking faster in the other direction towards the street with the space sign on. I don't know why I'm walking so fast, I'm not exactly doing anything wrong, I just want to the see the floor pattern again, this time without the screen and wall of glass between us. Considering whether the police will still be on the scene, I cross down an alley to reach the mangled street.

The space between the two shop walls immediately hit me with bitter cold. I suck in a breath and speed up a little more toward the light of the street on the other side, when a hooded man steps out in front of me. "Alright there miss?" He sneers. "You know you're not supposed to go into that street, don't you? There's been some kind of explosion on the floor. You'll have to tell your mummy you couldn't run your little errands today." He takes a step closer.

My instincts scream at me to turn around and run away the way I came, but my feet are planted into the gravel. The man continues to move towards me, and I see the glint of metal at his belt. This is the end. I try to assess any way I could overcome this man when two more step out from behind dirty dumpsters against the wall. I manage to take a step backwards, but the three men just move closer anyway. "You're quiet, aren't you?" He sneers again. I back up more, then find myself against a wall. This is it. I'm surrounded. My last moments will be against this brick wall staring at the malicious faces of these murderers, or worse. He pulls out the knife, takes a swing towards my skull, and –

With a clunk of heavy metal on bone, all three men are taken down in a second.



thanks to anyone reading, means a lot!

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