Chapter 18

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*Oooooooh Thor's point of view!*

The streets were dark in Manhattan, but I wasn't focused on that. My goal was to find my brother and steal back the two girls he had with him. The two girls that my fair maiden were so fond of. I would do anything for her, she meant everything to me. I was prepared to die tonight if it meant she was happy, though I didn't tell her that - she would worry too much, and that was the last thing I wanted for her.

The church came into view, and soon I was standing on it's front stone steps, pushing open it's heavy wooden doors. There, by the alter, was my brother, standing straight, waiting for me to approach him. His eyed wandered to the sceptre I held, and he smiled, satisfied.

"Ah, brother, you came. And with my sceptre, too! I knew you wouldn't be able to resist our deal - you couldn't let down Hannah, could you?" Loki held out a hand, expecting the sceptre.

"Not until you release the maidens, brother." They were sitting, tied on the floor behind him.

"Very well. But know I will kill them if you fail to deliver." With a flick of his wrists, the rope binding Ferne and Rebecca fell to the floor. They jumped up and ran to me, despite not knowing who I was. Perhaps I looked more trustworthy than my pale, dark haired brother.

"The sceptre. NOW!" I handed Loki the fake, hoping he wouldn't realise, and turned to the door, the other maidens behind me.

"This...doesn't feel right..." No. This couldn't be happening. I subtly sped up my face and widened my stride, hoping the girls behind would follow my lead. That's when I felt the heat from behind. I braced myself, ready for the impact on my back. Ready to take my last breath.

"FLEE!" I told the girls. Folding over to protect my head, even though Loki's heated ball was heading for my back. I gritted my teeth, thinking of Hannah, waiting for impact -

But it never came. I turned around. Loki was gone, all signs he'd ever been here vanished, apart from the rope on the floor, slightly torn where Ferne and Rebecca had struggled. I turned to them. First I saw Ferne, her face horrified as she stared at my feet, eyes opened wide in shock. I looked down to see what saw, and my expression must have matched hers.

Lying on the floor at my feet was Rebecca, her ginger hair splayed out around her on the cold floor. Her eyes stared up at me, mouth slightly open. I noticed she had a severe burn on the arm and face where she had taken the blow. The blow that was meant for me. Guilt flooded through me. She'd saved my life, sacrificing her own. I knelt to her, where her chest was still rising and falling, but much slower than normal.

"Tell..." she spluttered, struggling for breath. "Tell Hannah that I love her. Thank you for saving me. Thank you so much." Then her eyes still stared, but now unseeing. I scooped her up into my arms, told Ferne to follow, and made my way back to Stark tower, only half my mission accomplished.



This is for Rebecca11112, who never really died. Sorry Bex! How will Hannah react? Also read The Rise Of The Fallen by my friend PaprikaMaster, it's good! Please comment and tell me what you think of these story - I think it will be finished soon! Byeeeeeeeee!

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