The City

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"One.....two.....three..... go"! Margo's beautiful brown hair flows in the warm, humid city air as she is racing against me down the city streets. Margo won't stop giving off that beautiful pearly white grin. I chase after her trying to get to her. "Quinton come on! Keep up! You don't want to miss this! A once and a life time thing.. To be the rebellious boy that I know you are Quinton"!

I pick up my pace and catch up to Margo. I smile and run faster and faster to try and catch up to the beautiful Margo who I am madly in love with. She doesn't let me catch up with her though. She almost runs so fast and far ahead that she blends in with the colors of the city. Almost as if she's apart of it all. Her voice echos in the distance as she is calling my name, "Quinton"! I try and pick up the pace as if I think that I am getting closer and closer to Margo but I never really catch up to her. It's as if the lights of the buildings in the city mix with Margo pulling her more into this dimension of city lights and racing cars. Almost as if she is an apparition appearing in the city. I don't know if she really is there any more considering how she disappeared for a few months after she moved to New York. It almost starts making more sense to me as I keep running through the city streets chasing after a dream that I can't have. Literally chasing it. Chasing her. The one and only, well the one and only Margo, the only girl I love.

Everything starts to become a blur. Everyones faces start to blend in with the lights in the city, everything starts looking the same. Margo starts to look the same as everyone and all the cars passing me by. Nothing seems the same. Everything is starting to fade, fade into the color of the lights of the city. Everything starts to seem to become so dull and out of reach, even Margo. I try and pick up my pace but then I realize that I am chasing after a dog, that just appeared out of no where that has brown silky fur, like the color of Margo's beautiful hair. The dog looks back at me as its running away further down the street. The dog barks and keeps running away. The dog then evaporates into thin air. No more dog , no more Margo. Where is Margo? Why does she keep disappearing like this all the time?Always a mystery. A mystery that I have been trying to solve since I was eight years old.

Margo comes running out from this corner in the city calling my name, "QUINTON"! I smile out of happiness that I finally caught her in sight. Margo looks to her right and runs down the side alleyway that she was peeking out of. I pick up my pace back into running and I run down the alleyway that Margo was running down. Again, no Margo in sight. The alleyway is dark, flickering lights light up the dark alleyway. Oil spills everywhere on the floor of the alleyway. I trip and fall on my rear from running to fast on the oil spills. I quickly stand back up and keep on running down the alleyway. I call for Margo's name many times but no response. I stop running and I walk at a quick pace down the dark alleyway. I keep on calling her name as I make my way down the alley way that seems to be going on forever. Finally I come upon this little cafe that's on the side of the alley way called "DELICACY CAFE". I look inside the side window that look into the cafe. I look to see if I can find the sight of Margo but, no Margo. No surprise. I decide to walk inside the cafe. Nothing but old people sitting in the cafe just staring at me with their mouths full of muffins and cookies. I frown and look the other way and walk further into the cafe looking for signs of Margo but still no luck at all.

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