Margo's World

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After we arrive home I find a note on my front door step. It says, FOR Q. Huh, probably from Margo. I take the note off the front door. I read it to my self. QUINTON, I WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT I AM SORRY FOR RUNNING AWAY. I WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT I HEARD WHAT HAPPENED. I AM VERY SORRY AND I AM CATCHING THE NEXT BUS AND IM GOING TO COME AND SEE YOU. TAKE CARE QUINTON. FROM MARGO.  I smile to my self. I put the note in my pocket. I walk inside and I plop down on the family room couch and close my eyes. I fall asleep for an hour. 

    Next thing I hear is a knock on the door. I immediately jump up from the couch, rush over to the mirror that is right by the front door and fix my hair. I then open the front door, and there, there is the beautiful Margo. Same as in the dreams. Long flowing brown hair that goes down to her waist, and oh that smile, that beautiful white smile. Gosh that just makes the hairs on my arm stick up.  "Margo...". 

     I run and pick her off her feet and hug her super tight. "Yes Im here Q. You don't need to worry. Im so sorry Q. Im so sorry that I wasn't there for you when I said I would be if something terrible happened". I hug Margo tighter to my chest and feel her heart beat onto my chest. I kiss her on the cheek. I let Margo out of my arms and put her down back on her feet. 

     "Margo, it has literally, dammit, it literally has been now five months since Ive seen you. You really have changed a lot. I know I have changed literally from the inside out. I am very sick Margo. I am dying as we speak. I am not going to be here next week. You are soon going to realize that coming down here was a mistake". Margo looks deep into my eyes and smiles, "Q, do you really think that me coming down here for the boy that I love was a mistake"? I gasp. "Did you just say the boy you love"? I rush into Margo, lift her off her feet and kiss her lips for a while. Oh her soft soothe lips pressed against mine makes me feel a whole lot better from the inside out. Its like my own personal prescription of morphine.

     It literally takes away some of the pain temporarily. I grab her waste and continue kissing her then set her back down on her feet. "You're right Margo, it probably definitely was worth it for you. I would do the same thing for you as well. You have no idea how long Ive waited for you Margo Roth Speiglmen. You have no idea in this entire world how long Ive waited to see your face show up at my door step, how many dreams have haunted me day and night". Margo smiles and grabs my hands, "Well now it can be reality. Now it doesn't have to be in dreams anymore. Everyday it can be your living reality of me being here with you day and night". 

    I smile at Margo and hug her again. "Do you want to come inside"? Margo looks at me and smiles, "No, I want to take you on an adventure! I want you to have the week of a life time! I want to show you what its like to break all the rules. I mean you're going to die anyways, why not break all the rules with me Quinton? In fact lets break them all right now. Lets go rob all stores, have an ice cold beer on the mountain top and shout at the top of our lungs! I want you to spread your wings Q. I want you to let the cold air blow against your face. I want you to feel like the king of the world. I want you to hold me at the top of the mountain and kiss me. I want you to be my king Q. I want you to soar. I don't want you to be afraid of anything"! 

     Margo grabs my hand and we go running outside of my house. We run down the street. Margo stretches out her hands and runs down the street as if she is soaring like a bird. I copy her and do the same thing and spread out my arms and soar like a bird. Margo screams and keeps on running faster and faster. We finally reach the beginning of this trail that leads to the top of this hill like mountain. "COME ON Q"! Margo shouts ahead of me. Margo waves me over. I catch up to Margo, I grab her hand and she smiles at me as she takes my hand and takes my up the trail until we reach the top. 

      When we finally reach the top of the hill, Margo looks at me in the eye, "Q, I want you to kiss me. Show me how much you love me". I looks at Margo in the eyes and grab her face delicately. I lean in and delicately place my lips on hers. I lean in even more and kiss her deeply. I pull her body close to me and I keep on kissing her. I walk her backwards towards this tree then push her against this tree. I take off her white tank top and start kissing her neck. Margo starts kissing my neck. Margo leans away and looks me in the eyes again, "I want you to make love to me". I gasp. But,  I don't want to get you...". Margo laughs and smiles, "I don't care". Margo leads me over to this little creek area and well I guess you could say we made love. After all that Margo takes me to the edge of the mountain, "Q, spread your arms, I want you to soar". 

    Margo grabs me from behind and walks me to the edge of the mountain and helps me put my arms out as if I am soaring like a bird. "Look Q! You're soaring, soaring like a bird"! Margo puts her chin on my shoulder and looks beside my face and smiles and then looks ahead at the view with me. She spreads her arms out beside mine and holds my hands. Margo starts singing this song I think Ive heard, "Ive been waiting for all my life and I think I found yeah, I think Im falling for you. Have you ever heard that song before Q"? I nod, "Yes I think I have, is that song called fallin for you by connie calliet"? Margo nods and smiles, "Aren't you the smart one"? Margo giggles and stands in front of me and pecks me on the lips. "Lets go break the rules Q. Lets do anything. Lets be free. Lets be the rebellious king and Queen of New York. Lets reck this place"! Margo smiles and pulls me down the hill. 

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