Another Dream

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The next night I had another dream about the beautiful Margo Roth Spegilmen. In the dream I was walking in the city, she happened to be following me from behind. She kidnapped me and dragged me into her house. It was like heaven, she was wearing this cute, sexy white skirt, and this top that is almost so hard to describe what it is, but its so her. Something that she would wear. "Come on Quinton, come over here, let me show you a little piece of heaven that you will never forget". A large smirk comes across my face and I walk over to the bed where Margo is and I take off my nice silky coat that I was wearing because it was freezing cold in the city. Margo pulls me close and lightly meets her lips with mine. She leans in and kisses me. She pulls me back on top of her onto the bed and stares at me deep into my eyes. "Quinton"? Margo says in a quiet whisper, "Are you afraid of me"? A frown of confusion comes across my face. Me? How could I be afraid of Margo the girl I love. I don't even understand what she is asking. I lean in and kiss her to distract her from the question that she asked me.

I stop kissing her and look deeply into her beautiful almond shaped eyes. "No, Im not afraid. Im afraid of loosing you". A beautiful grin comes across Margo's face, "Quinton Im right here. You're not going to loose me ever. Im always going to be here Quinton". Margo strokes my face and I close my eyes. Gosh her soft little itty bitty fingers on my face makes the hairs on my arms and legs stick up. A sharp chill goes up through my spine. Margo runs her fingers from stroking my face to stroking my neck then down my neck onto my stomach. She smiles and bites her lip. She makes her way down to my belt and starts to unbuckle it. Margo looks at me in the eyes and starts kissing me as she unbuckles my belt. "Quinton, Im fading. Im fading away Quinton". Margo looks at me worried and falls onto her back and screams. Someone is dragging her by the feet away from me but I can't see who is. Suddenly Margo is gone. Disappeared. Just like before never here.

I abruptly wake up in my bed. Sweat pouring down the sides of my neck. Shit. All these dreams feel so real. It felt like Margo was really there even though she wasn't. Being able to even have dreams that felt some what real about her made me feel a little bit better. She is gone, never coming back to where she used to be. The girl next door. The girl that I used to be able to hang with almost everyday until she left. Faded girl, gone girl, mystery girl, the girl basically who is now a wish, a dream that I can't have. Something I probably will never have. Sad but true, life is sad. Just like what Margo kept telling me about life, life is reality, life is sad and life sucks. There is a lot of truth to that.

I lay awake in my bed till three in the morning. With Margo on my mind, it feels almost impossible to fall back to asleep, back into the deep sleep that I was having, back to that dream where I as staring deep into Margo's eyes. Back to where I was happy. But there is none of that happy medium that I used to be in. There never will be that again. My pulse starts to quicken and my body starts to feel like its heating up. My muscles start to tense. What is going on? What is wrong with me? Why is my body acting all out of whack all of the sudden? Vomit comes pouring out of my mouth. "MOM! DAD"! I shout with a panic to my parents. Both of my parents come rushing into my room. Moms wearing an old blue robe with brown stains on it, and dad in his white baseball boxers. Funny, didn't think dad liked baseball. Mom flicks on the light and comes and sits beside the bed next to me, "Quinton what is going on? Are you alright"? My eyes roll back and my body starts shaking and white foam starts oozing out of my mouth. Mom starts freaking out and shaking me screaming my name. Of course, dad is just standing by my bedroom door watching, still looking concerned, but not doing anything really to help. 

   "What the hell Richard aren't you going to do something? Like call an ambulance or something"! Mom screams to dad. Dad puts his hands over his face, "Nope, no use Malia. He is already passed out. What more are the people at the hospital going to do for him"? Dad removes his hand from his face and walks over towards me. He lays his ice cold fingers on my forehead and looks into my eyes that are rolled back. "Son, its going to be alright. We are not going to let anything going to happen to you". Mom looks at dad in a very angry way. "The hell Richard? Are you really saying this right now? You are really telling your son that you are not going to let anything happen to him but you already are? Who do you think you are"?  "Malia calm the fuck down! You do not understand what so ever what is happening to our son. His brain is temporarily shutting down and protecting him from getting any damage, that is why he is having this seizure. We will take him to the medical clinic in the morning". Mom looks concerned at dad, "But what if our son is dead by morning. What if he doesn't wake up by morning? Are you out of your mind? If I were you, I would be getting Quinton in the car right now to the emergency room! But no you are too god damn selfish to think about anyone but your self. That is you Richard, not me. So stop and think, do you want to find our son dead in the morning or what? Because that is what I am starting to think right now that you do not give a care in this world what happens to our son. Is that it Richard? Is that it"? 

    Dad looks away from mom and back to me. My body is in so much pain right now. Unable to even move. Mind is slowly shutting down. Body is aching from the head down. Face is all tensing up and heart is beginning to race faster and faster and faster. What if I am going to die. What if this is really it? What if dad is really not going to help me. What if he is going to let me just lay here, rot and die? Mom seems to be the only one that is truly caring right now. Margo? What about her, I wonder what she would do if she was here and dealing with this situation? Who knows. Anything is possible. That is what Margo told me.  That when ever you look ahead your current situation whether it is bad or good, to always look to the future and what possibilities are ahead instead of thinking about the current situation you are in now to always keep in mind, that anything is bound to happen, anything is possible. That is truly remarkable how true that is. Truly a remarkable saying that Margo said. My mind suddenly goes blank for a quick second and Margo's face comes to mind. Her beautiful long brown silky hair flowing in the wind, and her eyes oh gosh yes her beautiful light blue eyes, as blue as the sea staring right at me. Gosh just to have that image in my mind makes me feel a whole lot better even though the condition I'm in right now is not so great. 

   The sound of Margo's voice, so soft and peaceful sounding almost goes with the harmony of the wind. Almost like a band all put together. Her skin so bright and smooth just like summer. The smell of coconut comes from her delicate, smooth skin that almost reminds me of literally sex on the beach. Her pink lips, so moist and delicate, almost as smooth as baby lips. She is like an angel, so perfect, almost no imperfections found. Her eyebrows, literally, define her outer presence giving off a stern, strong, and beautiful appearance. Gives her a lot of boldness and definition to her face. Gosh, Margo, even just thinking of her, her name, anything of her, about her, or even to be a foot away from her is literally like being in heaven for a day. If only I could be with her for twenty four hours every single day.  Now that would be called my so called perfect reality. Yes so called perfect reality, and so I drift on. 

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