~ Coming Together ~

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L staggered back at the woman's words, she felt hands on her shoulders but ignored them, her gaze glued to this woman. She looked sympathetically at L, as though she knew how L must be feeling. If L understood her correctly though, this woman knew things about her parents which apparently included their names.

Nobody else had told her that, if Vadim had known then he hadn't bothered to tell her and L was annoyed for not even finding out such a simple, yet important detail. Juliana and Simon. According to this woman those were her parents' names. L slowly reached down into her boot to pull out the photo, she gazed at the couple. She could feel the tears falling and eyes around the room staring at her but she couldn't care less at that point.

"You knew my parents? Like, really knew them?" Her voice was hoarse and she sniffled; her eyes moved from the photo to the woman in front of her.

The silence lingered, nobody moved or spoke for several minutes until the woman finally began to nod.

"Yes I did, however I think the rest of this conversation will require a little privacy."

She glanced briefly at Vadim and she didn't need to say another word before he was clearing the room of anyone who didn't need to be there. L requested that the Worcesters stay, so the main Council members and the old woman were the only others left in the room.

The old woman walked back over to her seat and everyone followed her. Out of nowhere, more chairs appeared for them to sit on. L didn't bother to ask where they came from and sat down automatically, not taking her eyes off this strange woman.

"I still don't understand who you are and how you know things."

The woman was watching L with an unusual expression now, L couldn't read it properly but it looked like intrigue mixed with something else.

"It's rather a long story, I hope you're prepared for it. I know much of what's already happened to you, from your birth up until tonight... in fact, some of it was my idea, or at least your parents came to me for advice when this debacle with Frallica began."

L had to interrupt, her mind was spinning.

"My parents came to you for help? I thought they were really powerful, why would they need your help?"

Gasps echoed around the room but the woman's expression only brightened and she chuckled.

"Oh, they were powerful, extremely so but nobody can know every single thing... not even the Keepers. And your parents were too emotionally attached to the situation; they couldn't even consider the only possibility of your survival, of leaving you... Not until I, reluctantly, suggested it."

The woman paused and L was glad she did, this new revelation had left L reeling and she felt like her head was about to split in two. Suddenly a glass of water appeared out of nowhere in front of L, she didn't even think before taking a sip and tried to calm herself down before she spoke.

It didn't work.

"You! You're the one who told my parents to leave me?! How could you do that? You're the reason I grew up alone and without them!"

L was furious and she could hear more gasps and mutters around her, she didn't care what they all thought, this woman had ruined her life. She didn't seem fazed by L's reaction this time either, she seemed to have expected it and clasped her hands on her lap

"Yes I did, and I don't regret doing it. The fact that they listened to me is the reason you're standing here today and didn't die in a mass grave with half the Supernatural community. A life supposedly alone is better than none at all."

Unknown L (Book 1)  [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now