Chapter 2

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Paige's POV

"Ok, Maddie Girl, let's get down to buisness. Today, we will find a safe home. I noticed a large house a few blocks away, we surely can get in." I lectured. "We need to go over the safe home rules. Can you tell me them?" She nodded frivorously. 

"One: No making noise. If talking is necessary, whispering is the way to go." She said, and I nodded as if to tell her to keep going.

"Two: Stay in our room, in the closet at all times. If tennants are not home, we are allowed to leave for a bathroom/food mad dash. Three: If we are discovered, put on best and cutest sad face, and 7 year old voice. Say a sob story, and do your best to cry." She saluted. I laughed.

"Good job, Maddikins, now practice your sob story." I commanded. 

She put on an adorabley sad face. "I'm so sowwy (sorry) fo (for) bweaking (breaking) in. I'm Maddie, and this is Paige. Owah (Our) mommy and daddy died, and owah Auntie and Uncle hit us and cut us and kicked us and punched us and did othah (other) weally (really) mean things. Den (then) we wan (ran) away, but da (the) orphanage put us in fostah (foster) homes, and den day (they) bwought (brought) us back, and we've been wunning (running) foh (for) 2 months! We just wanted a home! Don't hurt us!" She cried, throwing in some fake tears. I applauded. 

"Good job, Maddie!" I laughed.

I have some ponytail holders, from who knows where, they are actually quite useful. Holding things together, a diversion, not to mention holding hair together.

"Madds, come here." She came. I tied her short blonde hair in pigtails. Her hands lingered up her head. She rubbed her hair in between her fingers.

"Like Mommy did." She whispered. I nodded. "My turn!" she said. I laughed and handed her a band. She tied my dark waves into a high ponytail.

"Thanks, Maddkins." I said once she was done. 

We gathered our belongings and exited the ally, Maddie as energetic as always. 

We ran for a block, and stopped in a fancy neighborhood.  We turned the corner, and kept walking untill Madds pointed out a large house. 

"Good eye, Madd. Let's stake out, and see what we're getting into." I said. 

"Pay." She whispered. "Hide. NOW." She yanked me behind a bush. We heard male voices, one of them foreign. Irish, maybe?

"Thanks." I whispered. She grinned. 

"Tomatoes are not fruit!" Someone yelled.

"Yeah!" Another chimed in.

"Yes they are! Ughhhh!" Another voice argued.

"I want some fruit." The foreign one stated.

 "Liam! Tell him that they are not!" The first voice commanded.

A third voice, Liam, I'm guessing, spoke next. "Well, you see Louis, tomatoes actually are fruits, because the seeds are on the inside."

"I could also go for a cupcake..." The foreign one wondered aloud. 

"HA!!!" One of them yelled. I quickley calculated that there were 5 of them, from their voices. 

"I'm driving!" One yelled. 

"SHOTGUN!" Two of them called at the same time.

"NO ME!"

"NO ME!" They kept yelling at the same time. I heard the door slam. 

"Oooh! And Zayn wins the Shotgun Quarrel!" One said in an announcer tone. The two that were fighting protested, but got in the car, and sped away. Madds and I scampered out from the bushes, and tried the front door.

"Morons." I laughed, shaking my head, pulling the door open.  Maddie giggled, and we scampered inside, running down the hall. Now some people call this 'breaking and entering', but we call this surviving, so don't act like it's illegal. We skipped down the halls, quickly, because those boys could return any second. The first room we saw, we looked in. It had some posters of a boy band I guess, hanging in the room, a made bed, and was relatively clean. We noted that someone was using that room, and moved to the next. We opened the door, revealing a huge mess. Clothes all over the floor, shoes everywhere, and some pictures of family and friends on the walls. We closed the door, and moved to the next. Hair products on the nightstand, and we decided a girl must be living there. Maybe a hair obsessed boy? Next room. sort of a mess, sort of not. Ehhhh, we moved to the next. A neat room, with leftover takeout boxes everywhere, and a strong stench. The rest of the rooms on he first floor were to close to the others, so we went upstaires. There was one room, which opened up into a music room. Obviously, we wouldn't stay there, and we pulled open the attic door. We opened our mouthes, then closed them. Decorated like a normal room, it was practically inviting us, even though it's an attic. We heard a beep, indicating that a door was opened, and we dashed into the closet, closed the door, and listened. 




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