First Mission

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"Here are your six souls," I say dumping a small mesh bag onto Zach's lap. Inside were 6 small glass bottles that held balls of light, each colored slightly different than the one next to it. Zach stopped what he was doing and looked up from his computer. He sort of did a double take, and looked down to see the small bag.

"H- These aren't due for another four days. Where did you get the energy to kill 6 people so quickly? Wait..."He trailed off, tilting his head up to look at me. I let my eye flash their ice blue color, as I smirk, with a slight shrug.

"I didn't do anything illegal. I only killed humans. And I killed seven people, not six." I turn around and start to walk out of the large building. It looked like one of those office buildings you see in the movies, with the small walls that are big enough for a small desk with a computer, phone, and a space for notes. They also have a small bulitin board, and a office chair. Why the demons chose this to be thier workspace, I will never understand.

The building has five levels. The first level is where the information and help desks are. It's also where the demons check-in for appointments with other bosses from a different race. Each floor looks exactly the same as the one I am leaving now. Except the first floor, which is obviously the lobby.

The second level, is one for the lowest type of demon. They are called Mezza Anima, or half soul in Italian. Why the higher-ups chose that name for them, I will never understand. The Messa's are the ones who live in the real world as people. They go around and convince spiritual people to believe that demons exist to make them paranoid. Then, their spirits deem as more powerful, causing the demons to become attracted to it.

On the third floor, is where I am now, the place for Dream Demons. We slip into the minds of people and slowly use their minds to create their deepest fears. If we have time to kill, we don't kill them on the first night. We slowly make them not want to sleep, once they are to that point and they are sleep deprived, we attack them in their dreams and leave their bodies on their beds to die. It's a pretty entertaining way to watch someone die.

The fourth floor is the home of the Cubi. They are the energy demons, but are split into two groups. The males, or the Incubui, are the demons who go around and have sexual intercourses with human females and slowly draw away their energy. The females, or the Succubi, go and do similar to males, except they also take a source of DNA, along with their souls and pass them to their bosses who find someone to harvest the souls into demons.

The fifth, and final floor, is where the Dealers are. They are the demons who get 'summoned', by the idiotic humans, and they create a deal. The demon then will get the person's energy, and slowly mainfests into their bodies. Causing the person to die slowly after the deal has been completed. The demon then goes back and collects their souls.

The children go to a school that trains them. They are put through a series of tests, that rank them as demons. Once they graduate, they are automatically hired in as employees, and they start with office work. They will slowly be given raises until they are supervisors of a group of demons.

The sun shone brightly, as the wind blew softly. I feel the slight chill as I slip my jacket on while continuing my way to a bookstore. After I make it to the brightly shining building labeled the best bar in town, I slip to the upstairs room. It's almost 5 so the place will be packed soon, meaning I don't have long here. I lean against the edge of the bar ignoring the demons chattering wildly behind me. I look at Jirime, as he slids me my glass of Scotch, and I sit down with a sigh.

"It's gonna be busy tonight isn't it, Jirime?" He nodded his bald head at me.

I sigh softly as he speaks, "Yes, there is a rumor going around that some demon let a human see his true form. Then didn't kill the human. Everyone is going to come watch the news to see what happened to the demon."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2015 ⏰

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