// ticket //

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"For the last time, I'm not wearing that!" I yell to Victoria .

"Oh my god, whatever you can look like that  for the concert." She said sighing, I knew she was joking of course.

"I'm sorry, I just don't want to look like an underage prostitute." I say boldly.

"You're twenty one! You're supposed to dress this way." She says rolling her eyes and straightens the rest of her platinum blonde hair.

I scoffed and clasped the back of my necklace together. We were polar opposites. She liked flashy, and I didn't.

Well, that's not entirely true. I loved shopping, and high heels, and jewelry but getting dolled up for a concert that I'd just end up putting my hair up for wasn't going to happen.

I was wearing a marroon colored tank top with a jean jacket over it. I also had ripped blue jeans and my brown over the shoulder bag that had extra cloth shorts and a white t shirt because I'm spending the night with Victoria after the concert- with just plain black flats. She, on the other hand, was wearing a black dress, nude heels and natural make up.

I'll pass.

We'd been waiting for this concert for 6 months, and we were super excited.

Three hours later we were at the stadium.

"It's actually happening!" I smile.

"Lets take a picture." She says taking her phone and ticket out of her bag.

I reach into my bag and dig for my ticket.

"Shit" I say putting my hand on my mouth.

"What's wrong?" Tori says confused.

"My ticket!" I say prying my bag open vigorously.

"What!" She says looking on the ground and watching me look.

"It's not here..." I say disappointed.  "You go in, I'll drive back home."

"No! I can't go in without you, are you crazy?" She says throwing her hands up.

"No, but you have your ticket. Don't worry about it- I'll go next time." I say hiding my disappointment and smiling,

"Fine, but when I get home- we are planning another concert." She says upset.

"Okay." I smile and walk to my car. I turn and wave as shes getting her ticket scanned.

Where is the car? I think wandering around the parking lot. I hear tires screeching and I turn around abruptly.

"Watch out!" I hear someone yell. I quickly jump behind a car and a few seconds later I hear the brakes screech. I look out from behind the black van and see two people in what looks like a side by side atv.

A girl steps out and runs over too me. "I'm so sorry, he doesn't know how to drive," She laughs slightly. "Are you okay?" She asks touching my arm.

"I should be asking you! You almost wrecked!" I say shocked.

"I'm fine, don't worry." She says.

"I'm fine too, Taylor. Don't worry about me," A voice with a familiar accent says.

"You could've killed her, Niall!" She yells over her shoulder.


"Yes. That's who you think it is, and he almost injured you." She scoffs with a slight laugh.

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