Chapter VII: Yukino Tsukiko

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Exiting through the door, the three heroes traveled down many twists and turns. As they got nearer to the second challenge, it became noticeably airier, with mist-like clouds and glowing lights. For Yuki, it was a wonder she had always dreamed of. For Hato, if was just plain weird. And Amaya? She didn't care. Yuki walked in the front, a curious gaze upon her face. Without realizing anything was wrong, she bumped into a wall. The wall was made of stone, quite different from the scenery around them. Amaya bumped into Hato, who bumped into Yuki. Amaya unfolded her arms and glared at them.

"What was that for?! You almost tripped me!!!" Amaya scolded Yuki, who in turn rolled her eyes and pretended she didn't hear anything.

"It's this wall... it looks weird." She mused quietly. Hato peered at the wall.

"... Looks like an ordinary wall to me," said Hato curiously. She glanced at Yuki, who was deep in thought.

"Now what would a stone wall be doing in the middle of this? Hmm... interesting." She walked up to it, and ran her hand over the surface. After feeling the entire stone wall, she noticed a more... polished surface. It was a tiny little square in the center of the wall, almost unnoticeable because it was covered by crumbling moss. Yuki grinned in success and pressed it. Almost immediately the stone wall split into many blocks that retreated back into a side wall.

Hato stared at Yuki. "How did you know that there was a way to open the wall?" Yuki smiled sheepishly and rubbed her head, taking a deep breath to begin the explanation.

"Well, the wall was kinda weird in the middle of a pathway full of light colors and beautiful things. Who would put a dead end in the middle of the road to Akiko's challenge other than the goddess herself? And who would want people to think that it was a dead end other than the goddess? No one. So I decided to..." She trailed on and on, explaining the physics and the clues that were given to her. She failed to notice Amaya starting to get very, very, annoyed. Finally, Amaya walked up and flicked her lightly in the face.

"Shut up already. We get it. Hurry up and finish your challenge." Yuki stared at her for a moment, a hurt look flashed across her face as she turned around, walking toward the gate. The gate was made of light colors with ever moving clouds surrounding them. Soft wind tickled their necks and Yuki walked forward, only to see a small etched carving in the middle. It was that of a peacock. More specifically, Akami. Akami's wings were spread out, her tail in the air, head pointed up. Yuki traced her fingers over the carving softly, amazed at how intricate each feather, each line was. The peacock glowed, and a cloud nearby dissipated, revealing a rolled up piece of parchment. It was tied with a silver ribbon. Smiling, Yuki took the ribbon and opened the message. It was old, probably from the beginning of this world, but the words were as fresh as newly written ink. It read:

Why hello there! You must be my hero—or someone smart enough to get this far. It better not be one of Akuma's people. If you are, confess now, and I'll just rip you into shreds. Nothing bad at all. Anyway, welcome to the Challenge of Wisdom! You have to be somewhat smart to get here. Once, you enter this gate, you will be on top of a cliff or something. Or a mountain. Or just something really horrible. Obviously in the sky of course. When you cross, you will have traps and puzzles about every 3rd step. Take a wrong step, and you plummet across the sky, and fall to your death. IEh, but don't worry about heights. You won't fall off if you're smart enough. If. Anyway, get to the other side, and go to the statue of Akami. If you get to that point, I'm pretty sure you're the hero. If you don't, have fun in the next life. Oh, and if you die, you don't get any second chances. No life insurance either. Hope to see you!


P.S: Only the Hero of Wisdom can make it through the entire challenge. So... good luck if you have more than one person with you.

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