The moment

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You spasmed in fear as you awoke suddenly from the blow to your head. "Jesus fu--" you started

You didn't get to finish cursing because a calloused hand and suddenly been clamped hard over your mouth. You struggle to free yourself from your attacker. You heard what sounded like a gleeful laughter. You squinted our sleepy eyes and focused on the figure above you.


You kicked him hard in the stomach and he let go with a grunt. "Asshole" you mumbled, rubbing the crusty sleep out of your eyes. "There are nicer ways to wake someone up ya know. "

Dean sat up on the floor. "I tried saying your name. You where out pretty hard. "

"That's cause I was tired jerk"

"I'll have you know I can function on a heathy three hour of sleep each and everyday" he said with mock confidence "and I drink before noon"

You rolled over on the squeaky motel mattress. "I need a good eight. And coffee" you said voice muffled in the blankets. " a lot of coffee. "



He had thrown his phone at your head.

" You're not getting this back. You little shit." You mumbled rubbing the back of your head.

"Dude that's my work phone" he whined sarcastically.

"You have like twelve work phones" you replied jumping to your feet. " and this ones mine."

"In your dreams loser. "Dean grunted as he stood up. Before you could slip the phone into your pocket. Dean tackled you back onto the bed.

Your yelp of surprise was muted by the impact of deans torso onto your face. He was lying on top of you, trying to wrestle the phone out of your grip. You held on tight, trying not to giggle as Dean failed to obtain the device from your relatively small, gentle hands. You slipped out from underneath him and yanked the phone out of reach. He than grabbed your shoulders and shoved you back down, pinning one of your arms to the bed and grasping the other arm that held onto the phone. He swung his legs on either side of your waist, straddling you. He grasped the phone still clenched tightly I your hand. When your fingers made contact , he froze. Slowly he shifted his gaze to meet yours. When your eyes met, you suddenly became aware of the giant 6'1" Winchester straddling you on top of the bed. You also became aware of the redness threatening to flood your cheeks.

"Hey" Dean said.

"Hey" you managed to reply.

You stayed like that for a few more moments. Than Dean moved his fave closer to yours. Close enough that you could feel his breath on your brightly red cheeks.

"What now" he asked, voice low and husky.

"I--"you started but you were cut short by the motel room door opening and closing.

"Up" Sam yelled, tossing his laptop and a couple bags of fast food onto the bed nearest to him.

"Right" Dean coughed. The moment was over. You got up off the bed and grabbed one of the to-go bags from Culvers. " dibs on the one with extra cheese." You said. You didn't notice deans smile.

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