Peach Pie

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Me: "Guys We Got a dare!"
Everyone: "What is it?"

Question: I dare applejack to make peach pie!
By: @Kawaii_springtrap30

Aj: "Well ah'l do it... I guess"

*She goes to the kitchen and grabs some peaches and batter and starts making peach pie*

2 h o u r s L a t e r . . .

Aj: "Ah'm done ya'll!"

Rd: "Well, can we t-"

*jumps in front of her with fluffy hair*

Me: "TASTE IT?! :D"
Aj: "Umm, sure, ya'll can eat it"

*runs over to kitchen and eats all the pie*

*runs back with a lot of pie on my face*

Rd: "Whelp, thats pinkie pie for you, folks!"

*badum tss*

Thanks Guys For Over 100 reads!
You are all the best and i hope you keep asking us! ;)

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