Hair Do...

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Me: "Another Dare!!!"
Bbb: "For who?"
Me: "Well for rd and someone..."

Question: I dare rd to let someone do her hair
By: @goldyfazbear

Rd: "Whos doing it then?"
Me: "Bbb you can choose"
Bbb: *whispers in my ear and we both giggle a little*

Me: "Rarity! Come here!"
Rarity: "Yes darling?"

Me: "Your doing rainbow dashes hair today!"

Rarity: "Thats great news come on, rainbow dear!"

Rd: "Ugh...."

Time-skip brought to you by pinkamena

*they finish and her mane is in plats*

Rarity: "Done! Manufique!"
Rd: "...."

Thanks for the asks and dares guys! I didn't expect to get this far! <3
Your all amazing!

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