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It was another weekly visit to the townspeople, undercover in the night. The majority of them was starving to death, as always. A cruel world this was, where only the wealthy lived enjoyable lives. It was unfair to the less fortunate: they had tiny homes that were vulnerable to attacks; old, tattered and ripped clothes here and there; and most important of all, they had very little food to consume for survival. Harsh conditions these were, indeed.

Why couldn't they have moved out, you ask? There was nowhere to go. Other surrounding territories were unwilling to accept due to their own problems and population capacities to deal with. They weren't going to offer help, not with this government and its facade.

Velder Kingdom used to be a wonderful place to be in. Used to. It was, all the way up until Queen Seris was appointed. Her reign was disastrous, every word she spoke was apart of a gigantic lie. However, only the poorer civilians knew of this. The rich, along with those in the regime, were treated extremely well. Where was the equality? Nowhere.

The least I could do was to deliver a large bag of bread for the citizens to share, however, they couldn't know about my identity. So, I passed it to the same child every time, and let him do the rest of the job. As long as he didn't spill my appearance and whatnot. I was a secret assassin, after all.

I was patiently waiting in the dark alleyway, for the kid to show up. Very stereotypical, all bad sightings transpired in these places, however, I had no other choice. Out in the public, they could've recognized me. It was a bane that I just so happened to resemble Queen Seris, somewhat.

Footsteps soon sounded in the locality. It must have been him.

"Big Sister Rena?" he called out.

We weren't actually related, but, I suppose it was something that all children did.

"Yes, yes, now hurry along. I must go soon." I responded. Once he got near, I whispered into his ear, adding to my statement. "Please don't use my name out here."

The boy giggled, scratching the back of his head. "Oh, oops! Sorry!"

I handed him the bag, with a small smile on my face. I always had a soft spot for the younger adolescents.

"By the way! I have a question!"


"Why do you look so much like Queen Seris? You also said that you were an assassin, right? And that you were going to save this kingdom, so that we could be happier?"

I sighed, these types of inquiries did get a tad bit annoying at times. "It was a curse, it is just a mere coincidence that we happen to look alike. I said I would try my best, but I'm not sure about what I can do for you."

"Then, does that make you an assassin of justice? Because you're doing what's right?"

I blinked. I carefully chose my words, for this was an even harder query to respond to. "'Assassin of justice'? No, I'm afraid not. Those don't exist. Because we have to kill the 'bad guys', that makes us just as evil. In a sense, I'm even worse than Seris, judging by what I do. In this universe, there are no such things as heroes. You can still believe in them, but they aren't real. Anybody that is involved is considered a villain in my books. I thought the same way as you did in the past, though..." I decided to be straightforward with the kid.

"Oh..." he frowned.

"Yeah. Well, bye. I'll see you next week."

With another smile, I turned around, then left in an instant, swiftly and silently. To be honest, I had no idea what the boy's name was, even after months of doing this. I never bothered to ask.

Assassins of justice. I wish.

I was a terrible person, wasn't I?

All I could do at this point was hope. Hope that a happy ending was near.

But, that wasn't possible, without change.

The change that I was going to impose onto Velder, as the Night Watcher.


---[PROLOGUE : END]---

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