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Dare by Jcluvergurl. This will be HYSTERICAL. Enjoy:)

Dare: Morro has to go to Shade's house, knock on his door, and when he answers, say "I love you". Oh boy! :)


Soul Archer: YEAH HE WILL!:)

Wrayth: I'll get the video camera!

Bansha: I'll get the bandages!

Morro: Why?

Bansha: He is SO gonna kick your ass.

Morro: Well f***.

—30 Minutes Later—

*at Shade's front door*

Morro: *knocks on door*

Shade: *opens door* Hello?

Morro: I love you.

Shade: WTF?!?! *slams door*

—Back At The Ghost House—

Wrayth: So...?

Morro: He slammed the door in my face, that's about it.

Soul Archer: God dammit.

Bansha: Oh well.

*doorbell rings*

Morro: I'll get it! *opens door*

Shade: *crazed murderer face* HEY HOWZIT GOIN NARE?! I LOVE YOU!!

Morro: FACK! *slams door*

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