Effie Trinket

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Dare by my amazing friend cutekitty333. This is hilarious if you are a Hunger Games fan. Enjoy!:)

Dare: All five of them must dress up and act like Effie Trinket for the whole day.

Morro: WTF.

Soul Archer: ...well this is awkward.

Morro: THIS IS BULLS***.

Wrayth: Crap. This is the worst.

Bansha: At least I'M a girl, so it's less weird for me.

Ghoultar: Ghoultar want to get this over with.

—2 Hours Later—

All: *in Effie Trinket dresses/makeup/outfit in general*

Morro: *in Capitol accent* So we must speak like this and act like this for the whole day?

Soul Archer: *Capitol accent* Yes, I believe so.

Wrayth: *normal voice* This SUCKS.

Bansha: *Capitol accent* No, no, no! You must speak in the Capitol accent to make it authentic.


Ghoultar: *Capitol accent, intelligent sounding* No, Morro, you must know that if this dare were a horrible nightmare, I would not be able to acknowledge the fact that I am in a mental representation of your real life thoughts at that would simply defy all logic of it being a dream, since you believe it to be reality.

Morro: Holy crap.

Wrayth: WTF was that?!

Bansha: Can someone translate?

Soul Archer: So dressing up like Effie Trinket and speaking in the Capitol accent increases your intelligence?

Ghoultar: *Capitol accent* Precisely. If that's the way you lower intellects describe such a feature.

Morro: Are you suggesting we're dumb?!

Ghoultar: *Capitol accent* Not unintelligent, just of a lesser intellect than I.

Wrayth: I liked stupid Ghoultar better.

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