outlaw 17

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I ran out of the mall as fast as lightning then I noticed Jayy was behind me I ran past Andy but he couggt me

"what's wrong"he asked

"Jayy cheated on me with Dahvie"I said and broke away from Andy Ashley got furious

"Helena I'm sorry please can you forgive me"jayy asked kindly ash had a look n his face that said "you better run"

"NO! I can't you say you love me then you cheat on me with dahvie"I yelled

"actually I was cheating on Dahvie with you"he admitted"I actually never really loved you in the first place I'm sorry"that's when Ashley lost it he pounced on jayy like I fucking cat and punched him right in the face

"you fucking ass hole"Ashley said and I pried him off of Jayy"your so lucky there's witnesses or I would have murdered you"

I garbed Ashley's hand and brought him away from Jayy

"I'm sorry Helena I shouldn't have done that"Ashley said I shook my head

"you did it for me thank you ash"I said he smiled

"I said I love you Helena I would do anything to prove it even murder someone"Ashley said and grabbed my other hand and rested his forehead against mine

"I said I love you but you didn't believe me that really hurt me Ash I honestly love you."I said he smiled a bit more

"do you think we could be in a relationship were no one gets hurt?"he asked I nodded he leaned down and kissed me


I lifted Jayy up then pinned him up against the truck

"you hurt my sister I'm not gunna hurt you because Ashley did already but just think about what you did to her and if I hear you in her life again besides music I'll find you and brutally murder you got it"I said and let go of him then he walked back inside. I turned around and Helena and Ashley were hand in hand

"when did this happen?"I asked Helena and Ashley

"uh about a few minutes ago"Ashley said and kissed Helena passionately i could tell they both love each other very much he better not hurt her or I'll kill him.

"let's get home"cc said

"but I wanna go to hot topic"Helena pouted.

"tomorrow I'm to tired and pissed"I said

we all piled into Ashley's truck again and I looked through the back ash and Helena were laughing it made me smile to know she's happy

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