Part 3

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Bonnie, Foxy Chica and Freddy all sat down at one of the free tables. "WOW!!! look at all the games to play!!!" Chica yelled, pointing towards the games. "why don't ye go play some?" Foxy asked. Chica smiled like a maniac and dashed towards the games. Bonnie and Freddy watched as Chica ran passed everyone just to look for the game she wanted to play first. Bonnie looked at Freddy.

"So, how long have you known Iris?" Bonnie asked Freddy.  "hm? oh, I met iris the last time we were all here." Freddy answered. " then how come we didn't get to meet her then?"  Freddy laughed. "I tried to find you, but you all were doing your own things. Chica was at the ice cream shop for like 3 hours, you were at some sort of concert that was on, I don't know what Foxy was doing and Frankly I don't want to know." Foxy glared at Freddy. "oh I remember that concert!" Bonnie said happily. " I got to go on stage and play my guitar for everyone!" Bonnie said thinking back at that day.

"hey guys."  Braden and Catricen walked up to them.  " hi." Bonnie said quietly. "hello." Braden replied smiling at Bonnie. "do you guys need something?" Freddy asked. "No." Catricen said. "Iris told us to come talk to you. she wants us to get to know you better or something." Braden told them. "oh! sure! sit down!" Freddy offered. Bradley sat beside Bonnie and Catricen beside foxy. 

Freddy looked at Catricen, then at Foxy. he noticed that Catricen and Foxy shared a lot of similarities. for example: they both had gold eyes, both had red in their hair, both had weird personalities, and they both dressed differently from the others. Catricen wore a dark red t-shirt with an un-zipped black jacket over top,  her black boot-cut jeans were long and covered the back of her shoes. she wore a black and purple belt with a chain attached to it. also, her left hand wore a fingerless glove, revealing metallic fingers. she also had red fox ears on her head. She had that if-you-mess-with-me-I-murder-your-face look on her. a total tomboy.

Freddy then looked at Braden and Bonnie. These two looked like total opposites. The only real thing they had in common is that they were both bunnies. Braden had what looked to be a waiters outfit on, with a green bowtie, his bunny ears were green as well as his eyes and he always looked energetic and happy. Bonnie however did not look like that. Bonnie wasn't energetic. he was shy and only really talked to Freddy, Chica and Foxy. the fact that he even said Hi to Braden was surprising.  

"sooo... Freddy FazBear's Pizzeria huh? didn't that place get shut down like, three times?" Catricen asked. "actually, it only got shut down once. the other restaurant was Fredbear's family diner." foxy told Catricen. "Ah."  "but didn't something happen in 1987?" Braden asked. Foxy flinched at the mention of 1987. Catricen slapped Braden upside the head. "idiot! even I know not to talk about that!" Catricen scolded Braden as he rubbed his head. Iris walked up from behind Braden and Catricen, followed by Chase.

"hey guys!" Chase greeted Catricen and Braden. "chase! my man!" Catricen said as she gave him a five dollar bill. "Go buy me a Monster." chase looked at Catricen with an are-you-kidding-me face. "what are you waiting for?" Catricen asked. "Go!" Chase took the money and dashed away, not wanting to make Catricen mad.

Foxy smiled at Catricen. "I like her." he said. Catricen laughed. she was going to say something but she was cut off my Chica yelling. "NO! NO! NO! SHOOT THE ZOMBIE! SHOOT THE ZOMBIE!!!" Chica repeated over and over, while staring at the screen of a zombie arcade game. everyone could hear as Chica whined when she got eaten by a zombie. she left the game and sat down with the others. "stupid zombie. thinking he can eat my brains." she muttered as she sat beside Freddy. 

Chase came back with Catricen's drink and placed it in front of her. "your monster my Queen." Chase said sarcastically. "oh shut up!" Catricen said as she opened her drink. " I want a monster." Braden pouted. Catricen looked at Chase. "No. get it yourself." Catricen gave him another five dollar bill, Chase took it and walked away again, muttering under his breath.

"anyone else?" Chase asked when he came back. no one moved. "no? good." he said as he sat down. "so, what do you guys do?" Braden asked Freddy. "what do we do?" Freddy asked, confused. "in your restaurant. like, do you guys have certain jobs you do?" "yeah! we have jobs!" Chica said happily. " Freddy is the lead singer, I'm a back round singer, Bonnie plays guitar, and Foxy is the entertainer for the older kids!" "you play guitar?" Braden asked Bonnie. "y-yeah. why?" "Braden found a music buddy!" Chase cheered like a little kid. Braden picked up his guitar, the same one he used onstage. he handed it to Bonnie. "Can you play anything?" all eyes were now on Bonnie. "can he play? of course he can! he's the best!" Chica said. "I'm not that good." Bonnie said looking at his feet. "not that good? Ye be great at guitar!" Foxy said. "can you play something?" Iris asked. 'well- I can- I..." Bonnie started. "...okay." Bonnie stood up so he could hold the guitar better.

 he started playing a tune that he made, it was a nice tune but very complex. everyone ooed and ahhed at Bonnie's playing and by the time he was done, half of the arcade was listening to Bonnie's song. Bonnie looked up at all the people crowding him. Bonnie was very shy so he didn't know how to deal with the crowd, and he didn't have to. Everyone cheered and clapped at Bonnies playing. Bonnie blushed a bit and gave Braden his guitar back. "that was awesome bonnie!" Braden said. "thanks." Bonnie said quietly as he sat back down.

after a while of the gang talking about music, games and other random stuff, Chica's stomach growled. "I'm hungry." Chica complained. "I'll go make a pizza." Chase said as he got up. "can I help? please? please? PLEASE???" Chica begged Chase. he hesitated "uh. o-ok you can come help." "yay!" Chica cheered as she followed Chase into the kitchen. Chase mouthed the words "help me" to his friends as he disappeared into the kitchen. Everyone went back to their conversations again.


"pizza's ready!" Chase called out to everyone. they all watched as chase and Chica brought a large pizza and pop to the table they all sat at. Everyone thanked Chica and Chase and started eating. Eventually, everyone split up and started talking about random stuff. Freddy and iris were talking about each others restaurants (arcade's) history, Bonnie and Braden started talking about music and their guitars. Chase was getting bugged By Chica, and Foxy and Catricen were talking about... pirate stuff? well, they were enjoying themselves so who cares. out of nowhere, the room fell into darkness. "whoa!" Foxy yelled. "Iris? what happened?" Catricen asked. "must have blown a fuse or something." Iris said pulling out her phone (yes! they have phones!!!) and turned on the flashlight. "we should go check it out." Chase said. everyone agreed and made their way to the power generator backstage.  Chase looked at the generator. "doesn't look like anything blew." he said.

"oh nothing blew..." a deep voice said. 

"w-what was that?" Chica asked nervously. Freddy moved towards the direction of the voice.

"what do you mean Chica?" a more high-pitched voice asked. " Chica screamed and hid behind Chase who rolled his eyes at Chica.

"who are ye?" Foxy Demanded, ready to attack whatever was there.

"what a disappointment." another deep voice said. "the great Foxy the Pirate seems scared." the voice said, laughter was heard.

"Scared? they have nothing to be scared of...yet." one last voice said. "what should we do with them?" the high-pitched voice asked.  "we'll give them something to be scared of." the deep voice said. the sound of Iris screaming filled the room and the flashlight fell to the ground. "Iris!" Freddy Yelled. "where are y-" he was cut off by himself yelling and suddenly disappearing too.

"Freddy!" Bonnie yelled. "what's going o-" Braden also started screaming and disappearing, along with Bonnie. Catricen curled up her fists, ready to punch whatever was there. "whatever you are, when I find you, you are so de-" she was cut off by Chica and Chase screaming and disappearing. Catricen looked at where Chica disappeared, then looked at Foxy. "well crap." she said before she got caught in whatever was out there along with foxy. all of them, now drowning in darkness. listening to the psychotic laughs of whatever had caught them.

"that should do it." the high-pitched voice said.

"indeed. they will never get back and Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria will tremble..."


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