How Do Girls Think?

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How Do Girls Think?

What do you girls think about cute guys?

Kali- Cute guys are cute guys. Who doesn’t like a cute guy? Everyone’s idea of a cute guy differs. I wish a cute guy would notice me, but, sadly, they never will. *sigh*

Ivee- I mean. As Kali said cute guys are cute guys there is not much more elaboration to that.

Kaylee- Um, I’m not really sure what kind of question this is. I mean guys are cute sometimes? Boys are stupid. I’ve been dating one for almost two and half years. And he’s pretty stupid. But I guess he is cute. So I could go with them above and say that cute guys are cute.

What do girls think about bad boys?

Kali- Uh… In real life? I’m not entirely sure. There’s not too many of them at my school. In the book world? Hubba Hubba.

Ivee- For me the whole bad boy thing is a little overrated. I don’t really understand the attraction.

Kaylee- Bad boys aren’t the kind of boys you want to date. And that’s a fact. Because bad boys don’t typically care about you. They’re a little busy being bad. Trust me. Most likely to get drunk and cheat on you. So have fun.

What do girls think about chivalry?

Kali- Chivalry is dead like 90% of the time. I wish it wasn’t though. There have been instances where guys would open a door for me, or do something chivalrous. It’s such a nice feeling, especially when the guy DOESN’T expect to get anything out of it. I love chivalry. It makes me feel like there is still some good in the world. Guys- BE CHIVALROUS! And don’t expect to get anything out of it. That’s not the point. You will make people’s day with small acts of kindness.

Ivee- Chivalry is pretty much dead. On the occasions that a guy does open a door, or helps with carrying something, or something else chivalrous it brightens my day a little bit which makes me wish that chivalry would be more common.

Kaylee- TBH. I don’t even completely know what chivalry is. But everyone always says it’s dead. So I googled it as anyone else would. According to Wikipedia, aka the most trustworthy site on the internet, “chivalry, or the chivalric code, is a code of conduct associated with the medieval institution of knighthood which developed between 1170 and 1220.” That seems pretty boring.  I love it when guys hold the door, and even occasionally opening the car door, but we can’t expect that all the time. Boys are stupid. End of story. Plus, would you want them to expect that you should always be in the kitchen cooking or constantly cleaning? No. I didn’t think so.

What do girls think about asking out a guy?

Kali- Personally, I’m very shy and don’t like to ask out guys. I just wait until they ask me out. But honestly, there’s not too many guys at my school that I want to ask out anyway, so I don’t really worry/think about it.

Ivee- I am not the type of person who would ask a guy out. However, I think that it is awesome that other girls are asking guys out and breaking the gender norms.

Kaylee- If you haven't noticed, I have a little sass lately. Gender norms are stupid. If you want to ask a guy out, do it. If you don't, then don't. But don't sit around waiting for them to ask you out unless you know they like you. Girls can ask guys out if they want. So if you want, then put your big girl panties on and do it! The worst thing they can do is say no. And maybe laugh, but next week they probably won't even remember it happened.

What do girls think about the women’s rights movement?

Kali- The Women’s Rights Movement is a very important part in history, especially for women. This movement changed the course of history for women by allowing them to vote, and becoming more then stay-at-home women. I am very glad for this movement, and appreciate the sacrifice every women made in the movement.

Ivee- The Women’s Rights Movement is crucial event in women’s history. Without it women would still be expected to stay at home, wouldn’t be allowed to vote, and would not be breaking the barriers of gender norms.

Kaylee- Yeah. It was pretty important. Our lives would be totally different if it never happened. I don’t really know what else to say. They covered it pretty well. I’m definitely glad it happened since I plan to become a computer programmer.

What is your opinion on books?

Kali- I love books! Duh. Why else would I be on Wattpad? Books are my life. I can’t go more than a few days without reading a book. They are my escape from reality. The only time I dislike books, are when I am forced to read them. It sucks all the fun out of the idea of a story, if you know you are being forced to read it.

Ivee- I love books! I especially enjoy memoirs of people who have suffered with mental disorders and historical fiction.

Kaylee- Uh. I like books. Definitely more than movies. I’ve grown away from reading lately because I’ve been so busy. I’m actually a little over a week late writing this because I’ve been too busy to get it done.

What do girls REALLY do at sleepovers?

Kali- It’s not at all what people think. It depends on who you are, and what you and your friends like to do. I, personally, end up playing board games with my friends, eating, or simply watching movies. Some of the girls in my school go out partying. It really just depends on who you are. But we don’t simply “giggle” the whole time, constantly have pillow fights in our underwear (some people might, but it’s not a norm), and do the things most guys think we do.

Ivee- It really just depends on the group of friends. It is not the stereotyped sleepover that has been imagined for years. There is really no limit on what you can do movies, eating, dancing, catching up, or games.

Kaylee- Sometimes you play with makeup and hair and nails. Sometimes you eat and watch funny videos. Sometimes you watch sappy movies and cry. Sometimes you rub cheesecake all over your friends face in order to see if it is a good moisturizer. XD And sometimes you sleep.

What should girls be scared of?

Kali- Whatever they want. Girls have the right to be scared of anything. We can’t just be scared of certain things because we are girls. We can be scared of anything a boy is scared of.

Ivee- There is no particular thing that girls HAVE to be afraid of. The fears from one girl to the next can be different. Girls can have a wide range of fears there is nothing we can or can’t be afraid of. The stereotyped fear of spiders and snakes does not always apply to every girl and some even want them as pets. This is much the same for guys.

Kaylee- Um yeah. Whatever. Like girls should be scared of what scares them. It’s pretty simple.

Thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2017 ⏰

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