Dating Advice

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Dating Advice

Do you know any tricks for getting to know the guy you like without being too obvious? xD I'm like a horrible wreck when it comes to talking to my crush. I end up ignoring him. ): #sadface #sweg

Kali- Well, you could get to know him and be friends with him. (If your not already.) Or you could have like a get together and invite him and a couple other people over. You guys could play games like truth or dare, 20 questions, or would you rather! You can find out more about him without being too obvious!

Ivee- Well you could always play 20 questions like they both said or you could also Facebook, Instagram , or really any sort of stalking works... Or you could also try being friends with him first :D

Kaylee- You could always ask him to play 20 questions! If you aren't familiar with this game, basically you take turns asking and answering questions. You could play in person or through text/Facebook. (which is usually less awkward.) The great thing about this is that you get to know the person and they get to know you, all while playing a game. You could also play with friends too!! Hope this helps!! :D

What's the best way to get someone to know you like them without actually telling them, or without anyone else telling them?

Kali- Well, you could drop hints. Like if you're sitting by him in class you could like talk about what you like in a guy and then change your conversation to similar interests. I'm sorry if this sucks, it's kind of a hard question. :D

Ivee- Most of the time the guy already knows just because of the way you talk and act around him... If you don't really talk to him that's okay. But, if every time you talk/see him you blush or stutter he's gonna catch on. Honestly, my first advice would be not to tell your friends if you don't want to be obvious about you liking him and your friends ( I don't know them ), but any person I tell who my crush is it just seems like he magically knows at the end of that week. I also think that you should become friends first and get know him better that way you know if he likes you back and you don't accidentally get embarrassed by telling him WAY before you even know him.

Kaylee- A note? Lol. This is a tough one.

How do you get your crush to talk to you more? XD

Kali- You could talk to him in class like general casual talk (ex. "Hey, what did you get for this question?" "So how's your day been?" "Are you going to the party tonight?") And then like previous, you could become friends with him. But just having casual talk will get him to talk to you more! Hope this helps!

Ivee- You should try to be friends with him first,then as you become better friends you talk more and yea I agree with Kaylee you should try not to be annoying or clingy this will definitely creep him out and make him push you away.

Kaylee- Like Ivee said, get to know him. Talk to him in class, or maybe say hi to him in the hallway. Just don't push it. He will be more likely to talk to you if you don't annoy him.

What do you do when you like someone and your BFF likes him too? #helpmeplease

Kali- Talk about it with her! If you two are really BFF's then you should be able to talk about it and share your feelings. If you both like the same guy then it gives you both something to talk about/fawn over. You could have good times with this, just be careful about dating him. Your friend could get her, or vice versa.

Ivee- Wow been there. I definitely think that you and your BFF need to talk about it and trust each other and make sure you don't let some boy push you guys apart it's just not good and that could definitely ruin your relationship and if he dumps you? You won't have a best friend help you pick all the pieces.

Kaylee- You forget about him. It will end in disaster. The end.

What should I do if I think a guy is cheating on me?

Kali- Be a secret agent. :D If you think a guy is cheating on you, you could get your best friend to talk to him and/or spy for you. Or, you could be mature about this situation and ask him up front. And if you think he is lying you could always break up with him. (I think you can tell, I'm not very good at dating advice.)

Ivee- Definitely don't overreact a lot if people get jealous of others for no reason and make up rumors. The way I see it you have lots of options #1: You could confront him ( like they'll tell you but at least you can get some clues from his initial reaction to the question) #2: You could break up with him ( I wouldn't really recommend that as your first option but hey it's your choice) #3: You could trust him ( Not all guys cheat), last but not least #4: You could ignore the rumors (Like I said jealous people).

Kaylee- Not break up with him, and crush him. Because he will most likely date 20 other girls including your best friend. And then constantly talk about you. And it will annoy your BFF who he dated because she still likes him and he likes her but he won't go out with her cuz he likes you and Ally and Gracie and Ashley and other girls.

Thanks for reading!

This chapter is dedicated to @mainstreams for the A-MA-ZING cover!

Next topic is 'How Girls Think' so send us your questions and we will answer them!

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