Your hand fits in mine The first dates

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McPhee and Brad. They're heading to KFC. Annie doesn't mind wherever she goes with Brad she'll be fine.
He's picking her up in a few hours.
Time to chill. She lays down and closes her eyes.

I hear your going on a date with Brad tonight, hope you have a nice time.

Harry I am going on a date with Brad and id much like it if you didn't pop up with conversation whilst I'm out with him, unlike last night.

Why what happened last night?

Well I was trying to have a movie night with the girls and you kept creeping into my head.

Sorry, I just can't

HARRY! Stop it

Help it, you know how much you mean to me.

Harry, leave it tonight please?

Ok, speak to you tomorrow

Annie's eyes shoot open realising she had the conversation with Harry and dozed off, Brad will be here in 45 minutes.
I haven't got an outfit ready I need to go in the shower, why does my brain decide to sleep?!

There's an outfit laid out for you on your bed, and before you ask I used the spare key to get in, and you looked peaceful sleeping so I left you alone. Everything is ready for you.

Thank you Harry.

She hops in the shower and gets ready.

Just as she's slipping her shoes on she hears a knock at the door.
she strides down the stairs and opens the door.
'Hey Brad, come in.'
'Hey Annie, you look beautiful.'
'Thanks Brad'
He called you beautiful but he didn't get the reaction he wanted from you.
'It's ok, it's only the truth.'
Annie hugs Brad and they vacate the house and Annie locks the door as the other girls are out for the night as well.
They walk the short distance to KFC and Brad opens the door for Annie.
'Thank you Brad'
Can't call him Bradley, doesn't feel right does it?
Annie smiles

'No problem'
They get a booth and sit down.
The waitress comes over, what can I get for you today?
'Could I have a bbq pulled chicken burrito and a diet coke please' -Annie
'Could i have a bargain bucket for one please?' -Brad
The waitress leaves the table Annie and Brad make small talk until the door arrives.
They silently eat.
The silence is awkward isn't it..

Once they've finished eating Brad goes to pay
Don't try and stop him he won't take no for an answer

Annie sits there silently until Brad comes over and takes her by the hand.
'Follow me'
Youll either love it or hate it

Annie does as she's told and follows Brad and cones to a clearing and it has a beautiful view of the sunsetting.
It's beautiful like you

'This is beautiful Brad'
'Thought you'd like it..'
He stands to the left side behind Annie and puts his arm round her waist and she rests her head on his shoulder as the suns setting


Harry go AWAY


Lizzie and Chris are heading to the zoo.
Chris has kept it a surprise though, he's driving to the zoo and Lizzie keeps asking him where they are going.
'It's a surprise, I think you'll like it'
They arrive at the zoo.
'Lets go and visit your enclosure' -they say together
'You lead the way' -Chris
'Haha ok' Lizzie heads to the baboon enclosure, 'that's you'
'You cheeky little monkey!' He hugs her from behind and then grabs her hand and drags her to the tiger enclosure
'That's you, big and bold but sensitive and soft when needed'
'Aww thanks Chris'
'No problem sweetie'
They are stood next to eachother and then they turn and walk through the zoo and look at the animals.
Chris picks Lizzie up and chicks her over his shoulder and he heads for the log flume.
'You ready for a wet ride?'
'Yes Chris I am' she laughs then gets in the line for the ride
He holds her hand the whole time they're waiting then they get into the log flume and Lizzie is sat between Chris's legs and she leans back into his chest whilst the ride is heading round and then they hit the drop, as they start descending and Lizzie screams as the water hits her face
'The waters cold!'
'Never it's going to be heated isn't it?'
'Shut up Chris.'
When they get off the log flume they wander for a bit until they come to hook-a-duck
Chris manages to hook the duck with the highest number and he turns to Lizzie
'You pick a bear, I did this for you' holding her round the waist
She smiles up at him and then points at the biggest blue bear on the stand and grins like a Cheshire Cat 'that one please'
The man gets it down and passes it to Lizzie
'Thank you'
She turns to Chris and give him a hug and mumbles a thank you, into his chest
'It's ok sweetie. Do you wanna head home?'
Lizzie shakes her head, she doesn't want the date to end. They were back at the baboon enclosure
'It's you' they say together and they both start laughing.
They are hand-in-hand and they walk out of the zoo and head for the car. As they reach the car Chris opens the door for Lizzie and helps her get into his Ferrari. Then they head home the ride home is silent but it isn't awkward it's nice and once they reach the front of Lizzies house Chris leans over to Lizzie to kiss her cheek but she turns her head towards him as he leans closer so their lips touch, the Sparks are flying around in Lizzies stomach she can't help but smile. Chris leans back with a smile on his face
'Wanna do that again?'
'The kiss or the date?'
They both lean in and this time the kiss was meant to be, Lizzie had one of her hands in Chris's hair and the other on his side. And Chris had a hand on each of Lizzies cheeks.
They pull away and 'I'd love to see you again sometime Chris'
She goes to get out the but Chris stops her, 'do you like me Lizzie?'
'What's not to like?' She smiles at him and the opens the door to get out
She's stood by the drivers side of the car and she leans down to say bye to Chris
'Until next time Elizabeth.'
'Enough of that Christopher, see you soon'

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