Mary Jane

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I'm in love with this woman,and I know she loves me so,
Anytime I want to meet her she never tells me no.

We sit alone in the dark and speak nonsense for hours,
No matter how long I talk she never seems to grow sour.

I burn her from time to time,But she loves the pain,
Always comes back for more,so I burn her again.

Her aroma is divine, I could smell her for day,
She always visits my house, but I don't know where she says.

I've known her for 8 years but it feels like forever, When she calls I come running regardless of weather.

People say she's bad for me and she won't bring no good,
But she was there when I needed her,and she's staying for good

People say I need a hobby so I won't think of Mary. But she's all that's on my mind, I chase her like Tom and Jerry

She has a cousin named Molly, But that bitch ain't no good. You could have her if you want her, because she fuckin the hood.

When I'm feeling stressed out Mary rubs my shoulder, and kisses me until I cough,But I hate when its over.

Me and Mary have a date, so I won't talk long, But I'll tell you more when its over.. If we don't be to long.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2015 ⏰

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