Fairy Tale

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Swae and I are taking our daily stroll in the park. This little girl ran up to us looking lost. She had to be about five.

Yn: Hey cutie, where's your mommy

Little Girl: I don't know.. I was playing with my cousin then somehow I got over here

Yn: Come on lets go find your mommy. What's your name

Little Girl: I'm Lisa who are you

Yn: I'm Yn and this is my boyfriend Swae

Swae: Hey

Lisa: Hi
Y'all walked the park for about an hour. No sign of Lisa's mom. She began to cry.

Yn: Don't worry baby girl we'll find her

Y'all continued to search until y'all finally found her mom sitting on a bench.

Lisa: Mommy! (Runs to her)

LM: ( hugs Lissa) omg baby are you okaay? Thank you guys so much for finding her! (Hugs you and Swae)

Yn/ Swae: NP see you later be good Lisa

Lisa smiles at you

Swae and I began to walk back across the park until he stepped in front of me stopping me.

Swae: You know, someday you'll make a great mommy

Yn: You really think so?

Swae: Yeaa I do . You have an amazing heart Babe

Yn smiles and kisses his cheek

Yn: Thank You Swae

Swae: Anytime

Yn: Sooo..

Swae: Wassup?

Yn:(grins big) You wanna go home and make a baby?

Swae picks you up bridal style and runs to the car

Swae: I thought you'd never ask

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