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Swae and I broke up about 4 months ago. He still comes by our house to pick up the kids and visit with them but its hard being here just watching the man you love not give you any love. Yes, Swae broke up with me and it was because we were having issues that he no longer wanted to deal with I still haven't gotten over him I swear I just miss him.

Khalia(Your Daughter)- Mommy when is daddy coming by

Yn- I don't know but go put on your shoes so you're ready when he comes.

Khalia runs upstairs

Let me go get my one year old son Khalil dressed and ready

The door bell rings
Yn answers it

Yn- Hey Swae

Swae- Wassup(not even looking at you)

Yn- Khalia come on daddy is here

Swae-( picks up y'all son) hey lil man

Khalil starts kicking his feet and smiling

Khalia comes down stairs

Khalia- DADDY!!

Swae lays Khalil down

Swae: Hey baby come here

She runs and jumps into his arms
Swae kisses all over her face

Swae: I missed you

Khalia: I missed you too daddy. Daddy come home to mommy and us

Swae says nothing

Yn breaks the awkwardness by hanging Swae an overnight bag for the kids

Yn: (kisses the kids) Be good mommy loves you

They leave

This is way to hard. I need to talk to someone. I'll call Daija.


Yn: Daija I miss Swae

Daija: I know baby just talk to him

Yn: I wish I could but its too hard

Swae comes back in to get Khalias medicine Yn didn't hear him come in but he is hearing the Convo.

Daija: Eventually your heart will have enough and you'll speak up

Yn: I know.. Thankss ttyl

Convo ends

Yn slowly turns around and sees Swae

Yn: Yes?

Swae makes his way over to you and wtsps his arms around your waist

Yn: (begins to sob) Swae I'm sorry just come home please

Swae: Shh Baby its okaay alright

Yn: Work on this with me (still crying)

Swae begins to think and finally speaks up

Swae: Baby I Love You and imma play my part in making is work

Yn:(smiles and kisses him)

Swae: Come on, we gone be late to the puppet show I was taking them to do

Swae Lee ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now