[7] Transformed

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Ryder smiled at Erza who was holding her sword tightly. "It's too late Erza. Natsu will now be on our side and ten times more powerful." Her eyes widened at his comment. "Imagine Natsu with dragon force, powerful. He defeated many powerful enemies with that. I suggest you give up now." Ryder added. Erza looked at Natsu who lied there powerless. Lucy, Wendy and the exceeds went off somewhere safer to heal Her.
"Wait... That could kill him! That much magic power in the body would explode!" She yelled. Ryder laughed and ignored it.

Its too late, What am I going to do!

30 seconds.

"Lucy!" Happy exclaimed. Wendy had just healed her wounds and restored her power. She slowly started to stir and sat up.
"What.. Happened?" Lucy asked looking around. They were in a room not far from all the fighting.
"Your fine now. Everyone is fighting." Wendy replied. Lucy's eyes widened as she realized that there was only twenty minutes before Natsu turned.
"H..ow long was I out?!" She exclaimed with panic. Wendy put her hands on Lucy's shoulders.
"I can't!"
Just then, the front wall exploded.

Times up...

Lucy's eyes filled with tears are many situations went through her head. Once the dust had cleared it revealed that they were now outside. The guild blew up in flames.


From the explosion Juvia, Mira and levy were knocked out. Gajeel had managed to block the attack. Gray and Erza joined him with blocking it. Lucy and Wendy were fine along with the exceeds. Natsu came out of the flames with his clothes ripped and fire spitting from his hands. His eyes were glowing orange. Lucy was so terrified she couldn't move. Ryder had disappeared without warning but his comrades stayed behind defeated. "Natsu!" Gray yelled but was ignored by the monster.
"Nat-san!" Wendy called running for him. She thought he was hurt.
"Wendy! No!" Erza exclaimed but it was too late. Once Wendy got close to him he shot her in the stomach making her fly 20 feet back and defeated. "Gajeel! Go find Ryder!"
"Got it!" He called back and left.

"Natsu!" Happy shouted flying for him. Tears filled his eyes and horror filled his chest. Luckily lily stepped in and caught him before he suffered the same fate as Wendy.
"Natsu please... Pull yourself together!" Lucy screamed. Natsu looked at Lucy, then away. "Please Natsu, don't let him control you!" Natsu now looked at Lucy with anger.
"Lucy watch out!" Shouted Gray.  Erza launched towards Natsu, but when she swung at him he grabbed it then sent her flying backwards into into the wall of metal.
"He's so strong..." Gray said in shock. "Looks like he was strong enough to take out Erza with one hit! It's amazing because she's a S-Class wizard." Lucy's blood went stone cold as Natsu faced there direction. He stood there for a few seconds, then his expression turned evil. He started running towards Lucy with incredible speed. Gray noticed this and right when he was about to hit her, He stepped in front taking the hit. Lucy rushed towards gray and kneeled beside him. He managed to let out a few words before loosing conciseness.
"Your the only.... One... Who can save him." 
Tears were falling from her eyes as she nodded and stood up.
"Natsu, I will save you."

"Gate of the lion! Loke!"

"Hey Lucy, what's the problem?" Asked loke as he pulled his glasses up. Once she told him the whole story he nodded and raced for Natsu. "Natsu! Don't make me beat your ass!" Natsu darted for Loke and swung at him. Luckily it missed him by a few inches. "Damn, he's strong!" Natsu kept swinging at him.
"Regulus impact!" Loke yelled and light emerged from his hands. But when the light cleared, Natsu had loke by his neck.
"S..orr..y Luc..y." Loke choked out before returning to the spirit world.
Lucy thought to herself. If loke can't beat him how are any of my other spirits going to! She couldn't summon Aquarius because there was no water in sight.
Holding two of her keys she called
"Gate of the bull, Taurus!"
"Gate of the Maiden, Virgo!"
Both spirits appeared ready to fight. Not much  explaining was needed, just defeat the enemy. Virgo dug underground well Taurus ran for Natsu. He swung his axe but Natsu dodged leaping to the left. Suddenly being buried underground by Virgo. A great chain attack.
"Did I defeat him?" Lucy asked herself waiting for any movement to happen.
"Princess, sorry that took long, shall I receive punishment?" Virgo asked excitedly. Lucy put her hand to her face and sighed. Suddenly fire exploded from the hole making it steaming for anyone in the radius.
"Lucy!" Taurus yelled for her protection. She called back to say she was fine. Natsu stood there with a enraged face. He bolted right for Lucy not paying attention to the two challengers I front of him. Lucy's eyes widened as he punched her in the stomach sending her back 30 feet.
"No..." Lucy whispered as Natsu roared at the spirits with amazing force. Virgo escaped well Taurus took the hit.
"Princess, be careful!" Virgo shouted panting. There was no mistake she was tired. Thoughts swirled through Lucy's mind. Was Natsu going to stay like this? Are we gonna die? There's no way I can beat him like this! But I will protect him! Even if I die I will save you, because... She paused in realization.

I-I like him, Natsu.


I might upload another chapter today or tomorrow. It's gettin good ;)
Thanks for all your feedback and votes! Make sure to vote for this because that makes me want to make more.

I have decided I'm doing another book! After this is done it'll be starting very soon. If you have any suggestions please tell me.

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