[14] Savior {Final}

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Natsu looked up from his hands. These words, those words, made him get up. The team looked at her, almost like she was there savior.

"H-how..." Natsu whispered looking at the little girl. Gwen called Oliver over to a private meeting.

"Hey Oliver, Lucy's soul was stolen?" Gwen asked quietly.

"Y-Yea..." He responded confused.

"Well Lucy was able to break through the he Barrier, so where is her soul?" Gwen asked smiling, Oliver looked at her with amazement. They both turned there heads to see the four mages listening closely.

"Your friend can be saved, it might work, I'm not a soul stealer, but I've done it before."

Natsu's chest filled with emotions, but all he could do was smile. Erza wiped away a tear, ready to do anything. Oliver went over to the Ryder's body.

Ryder was dead, that attack was too powerful. Oliver almost wanted him to disappear, but had to do this for fairy tail. Natsu stood close to him incase anything went bad, Wendy had Carla in her hands, nobody knew how this would go. Oliver slowly put his hand on Ryder's stomach. Closing his eyes he focused.

There was a long silence, everyone had to be quiet or more like speechless. Natsu was anxious, he had to break it. "So?"

Oliver finally stood up with his head high. Natsu didn't need one word, all he needed was a nod or a smiled or a... Anything.

"I found it." Oliver gave a soft smile to cheer everyone up. Wendy now cried tears of happiness. Happy was holding Lucy's arm and never letting go.

"So what are you doing? Save her." Gray had a soft frown, but you could see he was happy.

"Listen it might work." Oliver sighed, "I can't guarantee anything." Not long after he said this Oliver began the process. Closing his eyes again he stuck his hand out above Ryder. He slowly made a knob turning motion. Before long you could see mist forming in his hand. Somehow Ryder managed to put Lucy's soul somewhere else, but that wasn't a concern. The mist formed a circle the size of a watermelon. Oliver soon opened his eyes signaling he got it. Everyone was still quiet, no one wanted to break his focus. Slowly Oliver made his way over to Lucy. Natsu was on his knees well Lucy had her head there for support. Oliver almost did the same thing, he held his hand out in front of the girl. Slowly the mist started going into the blonde Mage. It seemed forever but finally all of it was gone, Lucy didn't stir.

"Did it work?" Erza asked putting her hand on Natsu's shoulder incase things went south. Oliver gave a very small grin, and nodded. Wendy's face lit up with hope, tears filled her eyes. Erza was staring down at the floor with a soft smile. Gray smirked devilishly well putting his hand on Wendy's shoulder. Natsu was... Ecstatic. Wendy slowly started to heal Lucy for the time being.

"Thank you." Erza exclaimed nodding at Oliver.

"It's more like now we're even." Oliver concluded with a small laugh.

"Well now what are you planning on doing?" Gray asked putting his hands in his pockets. Gwen stood close to Oliver, almost making sure she was included.

"I don't know, get stronger so that Never happens again." Oliver replied patting Gwen on the head. 

"well if you ever need help contact fairy tail!" Wendy smiled brightly at the two, they were Forgiven.

"Thank you! You should go guys, Lucy isn't save, yet!" Gwen laughed embracing Wendy, she had made a new friend. They all said there goodbyes before parting ways.

After they returned to the guild Lucy went through the many healing treatments. A week had pasted and she hadn't stirred yet. Natsu had checked on her everyday.

There was a feeling inside of him, something he had never felt before. It made him wanna protect Lucy. It made him wanna be with her, to make him happy.

It took time before Lucy started to stir. It was a crystal clear day, the sunset was almost setting. Natsu had sat with Lucy for awhile, but no luck. He had managed to fall asleep in a chair waiting for her.

"Nggh..." Lucy mumbled finally starting to wake up. Natsu's snoring was way louder making it so he couldn't hear her. Lucy opened her eyes to see a light on the ceiling, no only was this light not death, it was the guild. Stretching her arms she sat up and looked around. Almost instantly she spotted Natsu curled up on the chair.

"I'm...Alive?" Lucy asked herself looking at her fingers. Natsu finally started to stir and he slowly ones his eyes. Seeing Lucy awake made him jump to his feet.

"Lucy!" He exclaimed almost tripping to make it to her bedside. This made Lucy laugh, but it hurt her stomach.

"Natsu... How long have I been out?" Lucy asked trying not to sound worried. That last thought she had was her dying, but suddenly woke up.

"A week, can you stand?" He asked as if almost telling her to. Lucy swung her legs to the left side straightening them all the way. Slowly she stood up with some effort. "Come on, let's go tell them your awake." He added taking her hand.

The guild was quiet due to its time. Only about 30 people were at tables and the request board. But of course, it was all the important people. Lucy stepped out of the door and everyone looking at her, they're faces brightening. Levy, Wendy, Cana, Erza, Mira and Lisanna  all pulled her into a tight embrace. Gray Walked over to Natsu with a grin.

"Hey, are oh gonna walk her home? Gray snickered and punched Natsu in the arm as a joke.

"Yea... I will." Natsu whispered with a blushing forming on his face. "But I'm gonna wait till everyone's ready."

Natsu did end up with Lucy going for a walk. They stopped on top of a cliff overlooking magnolia. The sun was setting, which made it very romantic.

"So... How am I alive?" Lucy whispered whirling her thumbs looking down.

"I killed Ryder, Oliver basically saved you." Natsu exclaimed looking at the beautiful sky.

There was a long pause that was broken by Lucy's cries. Natsu looked at her with panic as if he said something wrong.

"Natsu... But you did save me." Lucy looked up at him with a bright smile. He returned the gesture happily.

"I just did what you told me too." He looked down, "I kept fighting, for you,"

Lucy pulled him into a embrace after that touched her heart. She hug her head into his vest, and stayed there, feeling safe. Natsu held Lucy tightly.

He had to protect something this precious to him.

"Thank you, Natsu."


Before we end this book, I wanna say THANK YOU for all your support! I wasn't sure how this would go but now I'm totally going to write more books.

Go check out the other books!

I will see you again, bye ❤️

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