In Which We Learn Names

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The princess awoke to the smell of something cooking. Opening her eyes, she was at first cause confused by her surrounding. As she sat up in the dirty cot she had been lying in, last night flooded back to her. Getting off of her bed she followed the smell to what she thought to be the kitchen. It was small with one little stove and some counter space. There was also a table in the same room. The table was wooden and seemed like it was going to break at any moment. On the other side of the room stood a chair that stood out from everything else. The chair was wooden with cushions on it. The cushions had flower designs. It was clean compared to everything else and resembled a chair her father had in his office. Although his blended into the decor.

"Oh your up!" said a voice in the kitchen. Spinning away from the chair she saw the seamstress taking a loath of bread from the oven.

"I made you some breakfast. The baker stopped by to give us dough for another dress for his daughter, since he doesn't get that much money anymore," the seamstress explained, putting the bread on the table. The princess walked over and sat on one of the matching wooden chairs and cut some slices of bread with a knife that was in the tray.

The bread, the princess decided, was the best in the kingdom. Even better than the palace chefs could ever make. She made a note to ask for a recipe.

"So, my dear," the seamstress said, cutting herself some slices, "I'm sorry to of left you on your birthday. I hope you were alright."

"Oh yes, it was fine. I had a few costumers but other than that it was quite empty," the princess lied.

"When did someone start acting so proper?" the seamstress asked, teasingly. The princess didn't know she acting "so proper" it was just how she was raised. She laughed awkwardly and cut some more bread.

"Well I got some news when I got back from the king this morning and I'm afraid I will have to leave to go to the castle to fit the princess for another gown," the seamstress said.

"Could I finally go with you?" the princess asked, wanting to see the commoner again.

"Oh umm," the seamstress said, cautious of letting her go. The seamstress thought for a while and finally let in, for she did leave her daughter alone for her birthday. The princess quickly got ready. She went back to "her" room and looked through the closet. The clothes were mostly torn and patched up in places but she finally found a gown that wasn't. It was the one the commoner was wearing yesterday. Looking in the mirror the princess straightened out her hair the best she could without a brush, she hated using other people's hair supplies, and walked outside where her mother was waiting. Then they made the long route towards the palace.


Once they got there, the princess made her way through to the place where she always got fitted.

"You sure do know your way around the palace," the seamstress said suspiciously.

"Oh, well, you describe it so much I just know," the princess put on a big smile and acted like this was true and just hoped that the seamstress told stories.

"Yes I suppose so," the seamstress said laughing. They made the rest of the way towards the fitting room. When they opened the door the commoner and the king were inside talking. The commoner smiles hugely when she saw that the princess had come.

"Princess Esmerelda, I would like to introduce you to my daughter, Isabella," the seamstress said. This was when the girls, both who usually had good memory, forgot to tell each other their names. They looked at each other in silent laughter as the seamstress set up her things on a nearby table. They went on the measure the commoner and when they were done the girls were sent out of the room.

"Let's go to the garden," Esmerelda suggested, leading Isabella, "It's private."

When they arrived at the garden they went under a beautiful white gazebo. Vines with purple flowers grew along the posts and lit lanterns ran along the edge.

They sat at a bench in the gazebo and started laughing.

"I can't believe we didn't even tell each other our names," Isabelle said and burst out laughing again.

"Call me Emma. I hate my full name. It's too long," Emma explained.

"And I'm Bella," Bella said.

They shook hands and laughed again, even harder than before. After all the laughs were out they talked about their experiences so far.

"How was the ball?" Emma asked, curious how it went.

"I had to dance with every eligible boy there, and there were a lot. I'm still sore. But there was one..." Bella said, trailing off.

"What?!?!? Do go on!" Emma exclaimed, excited for her new friends mystery prince.

"Well he was so sweet and actually talked to me. He led me to my room and it was like out of a storybook," Bella said, sighing as if she was reliving the moment.

"Did you get his name?" Emma asked.

"Yes I did! Jeremy. Do you know him?" Bella said giggling.

"Oh yes! He is very handsome and nice but just not for me," Emma said, dismissing the idea.

"Not for you?!?!? He's perfect," Bella said, drifting off into a dream.

The girls talked some more about life and what to expect and upcoming balls and parties for Isabella to be aware of.

"Hopefully mother will let you come again so we can see each other!" Bella said, hugging Emma goodbye when the seamstress came to get them.

"Yes hopefully," Emma said, letting go and following the seamstress

(( A/N: Sorry for such a short chapter and a long update but hopefully you enjoyed. I know the story is slow now but it will pick up soon :) please keep on reading!!!))

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