Chapter 3: The Figure

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Raven left his room shutting the door behind him, he glides down the stairs and retrieves the phone. He takes the stairs back up two at a time, hides behind the safety of his locked bedroom door. He dialed Peter's number, panicking. You better pick up I need to talk so bad. I'm freaking out and I need to tell someone or I'm in so much trouble.

"Hello, Dover residents." A deep voice answered.

"Hi Sir this is Raven, can I please speak to Peter?" Raven spoke with panic in his voice.

"Sure thing just a minute..." Mr. Dover called out to Peter.

"Yo man are you alright, you seemed distant at school yesterday?" Peter sounded worried for his mate.

"No I'm not alright we really need to talk, can you get out to our spot by the" He couldn't take it anymore he was about to have a break down.

"Man what is going on, we have school?"

"No, I'm not alright just meet NOW." Raven hang up before another was spoken.

Raven chucked the phone down on his desk, stalked over to his bed and ripped the sheets off and hid them in his bathroom then locked the door. He hid the key underneath his mattress so his grandmother wouldn't find it. He got changed into some ripped jeans and a maroon striped top and chucked a hoody on. He replaced the bloody sheet with the same fresh ones; his room looked the same as always nothing looked suspicious.

Raven left his room with his door open as usual.

"Raven come into the kitchen please before you leave." Grandma Rosie didn't sound her chirpy self.

"Sorry Grandma but I'm such a rush I need to go now...Bye!" He gapped the scene before he was asked anything. He ran down the road with his bag on one shoulder and his other swung across his side, his legs just couldn't go fast enough for him. He tried to sprint as far as he could without puffing out of breath. As the forest came into view he saw the figure from the night before and darted into the other direction to see if they would follow. However when he blinked he saw that it was Peter who was calling to him and waving.

"What are you doing?" Peter said as he jogged across the road to meet Raven.

"Sorry man I thought you were someone else." He knew he was getting very paranoid.

"Look man we need to find a place to sit so I can tell you everything that's going on. You have to swear that you won't tell anyone." Raven said with a stern face.

"Whatever you say man. Is it something bad?"

"Yeah it's really bad, it's to do with the fire that happened a year ago." Raven worried what Peter's reaction would be.

"Wait...why would it be about the fire, it's not like you were there that night...were you?" Concern crossed his face. As they sat down Raven considered whether or not to tell him about the blood, maybe it was just paranoia. Raven decided to tell his mate about the blood as well as everything else. He looked past Peter's face not wanting to see how he reacted to the facts. The figure appeared behind another tree again only 100 meters away from them making Raven jump up and stamper back.

"Dude are you alright," looking in the direction of the figure but not seeing it.

"Do you not see the man behind the tree over there," Raven said as he pointed to a tall tree with few leaves on it.

"No man there is nothing there." Peter placed a hand on Raven's shoulder bringing him back to reality.

"Shut-up man and listen." Raven had to talk before he burst.

"OK...well I don't know everything that happened that night but I know enough for the station to call me in for questioning." Raven paused awhile allowing Peter to take in everything without being overwhelmed. 

"Anyway so yesterday I got called into the station after school but I didn't have enough information to answer any of their questions. So anyway I got home and went for a run and realised there was someone following me and it was the same figure I saw just a few minutes ago.Then this morning I woke up to find blood on my hands and my sheets covered in blood as well." Raven felt so much better telling someone, sharing the burden. 

"I'll come over after school and see the sheets, cause maybe you are just paranoid about something and therefore seeing things." Raven could note the worryness in Peter's voice. 

"Sure, but I am not seeing the blood I washed my hands, the blood was all over the sink.You will believe me when you see the proof." 

"OK for now we need to get to school. Let's go we are already late and we have never been late before." Peter was scared for the punishment from his teacher for being late, he couldn't cope with getting into trouble as well as everything else that was going on.

When the boys arrived at school the hallways were empty. They walked over to their class only to find out that it was locked and it too was empty. The guys starred at each other. A door creaked behind them and they swirled around, it was Principal Turner and the same English teacher Raven had seen only yesterday.

"Boys what are you doing at school today, its teachers only day remember?" With that he walked off with Miss. Taylor.

The boys decided to head back to their spot by the forest and talk awhile longer.    

"Well why don't we head back to my place and I will show you the bloody sheets." The boys headed back to Raven's house. Every step Raven took made him worry less. Once he sees the blood on the sheets then everything will be alright, well at least I wont be paranoid. Wait but what if the blood wasn't on the sheets to begin with then everything will get worse for me because I can't let grandma Rosie know. 

As they arrived to Raven's house they stopped at the door listening into what sounded like n argument with his Aunt and the sheriff. Raven burst through the door with Pete following right behind. The sight of the sheriff so close to Aunty Rosie scared Raven and so he decided to step in between them so nothing happened. His logic to that backfired with a slap across the face from the sheriff. 

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