Epilogue: Stronger Than I Was

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Niall's P.O.V.

"I cannot say it enough sir," the nurse said with pity for me. "I'm very sorry. But, she... She has moved on."

I backed up. No... This couldn't have happened. I shook my head. "No...no..." I bent down and started to cry. "No... It can't be true! She is alive!"

"Oh gosh, he is delusional. Edward please! Help me out here!" I felt a pair of hands grab my shoulders and yanked me up. I tried to attack them with my nails, but couldn't manage to reach the person behind me. I yelled, still clawing for the man behind me. He walked on, me still in his hands. He made it to the elevator and tossed me in. I scrambled to sit up, but by the time I stood, the elevator doors closed. I fumbled forward and ran to the doors. I pounded on them. Let me out! I said, but not out loud. Let me out! Let me see her! Let me see her!


10 years into the future...

I woke up with yell and jolted up. I had heavy pants, until I put a hand to my forehead. It was only a dream. Thank God. I hate reliving those memories and fantasies all the time. After giving myself a moment, I uncovered and got up from the bed.

December 17th, 8:42 a.m.

I got dressed in a red flannel shirt and slipped on some jeans. Maybe I should lose a little weight. I think I have gained a few pounds since yesterday. These jeans were so tight now. I trudged into the bathroom and washed my face of morning. I loved having a clean face again. I remember when having stubble was the thing. I tried it once, but it was itchy and took a month since I don't grow facial hair quickly. I shaved it off right before the band decided to call it quits.

I had a quick pee in the John before heading downstairs. I flushed, washed my hands, and went down the stairs. I liked the house. It was pretty new still, with all sorts of electronics and gizmos to play around with. There was even a feature on the fireplace that lit up when someone said 'light'. Even the new Christmas tree was voice activated if you wanted to say 'sing', it produced Christmas carols. I had assumed everyone else in the house went shopping or something. There were more people in the house lately. It was odd, but since Greg, Denise, Theodore, and Clodagh came to stay for the holidays, the house seemed even more noisy. But it was quiet. It was nice. I walked over to the sofa and sat down. Alone time was always something to enjoy anymore. I breathed it all in. It smelled so nice. This must be the smell of alone time. Wait. My eyes flew open. Since when did alone time smell? Let alone smell like... Boxty?

I jumped up off the couch. I love Boxty. Who is making Boxty? I couldn't help myself, the smell and curiosity got me up from the sofa, so of course it got me to go to the kitchen. I bounced, and ran to the kitchen, slamming the door open.

There she was. Cooking and on her tablet at the same time. Ever since she became a professional genealogist, she has been so busy helping out on the website she works for. And in her free time, like now I assume, she is working on her own family line. She looked so cute anymore. She definitely has changed since I first met her. She still loves dresses and getting dressed up on occasion, and she loves dressing down in sweats and black tank tops when she can. I smiled. We have all come a long way. I walked behind her and gave her head a kiss. She turned around and smiled. Her eyes were beaming a bright brown, and her make-up complimented them even more. "Good morning!" She greeted me in her Irish accent.

"Good morning." I said and gave her a peck on the lips. "What's with the voice?" I laughed.

"I just found out I'm 13% Irish!" She giggled. "See!" She pointed to the tablet screen and turned her attention towards the cooker. I looked and she had a full pie chart sketched on a document. Only a tiny percentage of it was Irish, but nevertheless, I guess she was a past Irishman. I found it funny how enthused she was over this. "Ha-ha-ha." I said in a silly voice. I was teasing her, but she didn't laugh back. Instead, a sweet real Irish voice laughed. I looked in front of the kitchen island and saw him there. He is up already? I smiled and ran over to him.

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