If you are having a hard time understanding someone this chapter is the best for you.
If someone will ask if you understand he will say:
Comprenez vous? (com pra nee voo) - "Do you understand?"
Your Reply:
Je comprends (Zhu comprah) - "I understand"
Je ne comprends pas (Zhu noh comprah pas) - "I don't understand"
Other things to remember:
Repetez sil vous plait (Re pe teh sil voo pleh) - "Repeat please"
Je sais (zhu seh) - "I know"
Je ne sais pas (zhu nu seh pah) - "I dont know"
Note: Do not be confused with Je suis meaning "I am" or Je ne suis pas meaning "I am not"
Learn French the Fastest Way for Free
RandomThis book is all about basic French. This includes the words, how to use them and their grammar. I'm still editing this book because I am planning to apply as a French teacher here in the Philippines one day. Please proofread my work and if you see...