The Threat

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As I look at the animatronics they seem to realize that I am not singing, Freddy starts walking up to me... What do I do? He is standing right in front of me and he is so tall! I stand up and his eyes are looking at mine.  I was so busy having a stare down with Freddy that when I looked around me all the animatronics were there staring at me and they had created a circle around me. I stood there for a while and it bothered me that they wouldn't break eye contact with me even if I wasn't looking at them I felt their gaze on me. I suddenly heard a voice "I'm sorry for the inconvenience but I've been looking for you..." I was trying to find out where the voice was coming from and from who. "You're the one who wrote that article, Walter Ericsson, correct?" and I saw all the animatronics glare at me. I heard myself gulp and I started getting very hot, "yes" I said quietly, I was becoming scared. "Don't be scared I just have a question" I see the animatronics finally create a gap and the manager of the restaurant comes to me. At first I think it's a trick, until I realize my daughter and her friends behind him. "Now you will become my night guard" "And if I don't?" "Your daughter and her friends die" he was holding a book and I knew what it was, it was the rules for employees, I had no choice and then I realized his hand in front of me with the book "You'll need this, are you going to take it or watch these innocent children die?" This was a threat, it- it was blackmail!

To be continued...

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