Music maker

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I came into vinyls cottage and noticed that her speakers looked different. They had weird stuff all over it. I think I even saw Pegasus wings on it. I looked back at vinyl. "Look, vinyl, are you trying to scare me? You said you had a plan. So your plan was to scare me." Vinyl looked at me. An evil grin on her face. She replied. No. I was scared now. I didn't know what was going on until vinyl used her magic and tied me onto the speaker. Then, she locked the door and came to me. She smiled again and tied me tighter. She plugged in some headphones and then placed them on my neck so they are wrapped around my neck. "Hey Octavia, that wasn't my plan. I had another idea." I didn't know what was happening. "I need to sell my CDs right? But then you might wonder when you listen to my music, how do i make it? Where did she get the ideas from? The truth is, I need to break a ponys eardrum so that when the ponytail is dying, the screams sound like notes so I write them down and I have my new song."

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