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Taehyung's POV

"Why the heck would I be lying?" I grunted and shifted my body against Yoongi.

"She left at 5:48pm yesterday. I was there," Yoongi added.

"3 days to the concert and this happens? Why do you have such bad timing Mrs Park?"

I slapped Jungkook's arm harshly. "He's saddened by his mother's death-"

"I'll be meeting my baby now," Jungkook interrupted my speech and got off his seat. "Keys?" He held his hand out in front of me.

"No locking me out,"

"Promise," he nodded.

"No stealing,"

"I'm rich. What would I want to steal?"

"Food. Now, no sex,"

"Definitely no promises. Just give me the goddamn keys,"

"Fine. But I don't want to be walking in on you guys making out,"

I dropped the keys onto Jungkook's hand and watched him head back to his car. It was weird seeing him driving by himself again, without Hoseok-hyung. I remembered the time Hoseok came in. He was obviously awe-struck at Jungkook's appearance and I'm pretty sure Jungkook knew that. He was just a normal guy trying to get another's attention. Poor Hoseok. I wonder why he decided to do all the posting though? That's very mean. He should have felt more guilty when Jungkook didn't report him to the police. If I were Jungkook, I'd straight away put him in jai-

Yoongi pressed his lips against mine abruptly. We kisses in sync for moment until I broke away, flushed. "You look so cute doing that silly habit of yours," he smiled.

I furrowed my eyebrows im confusion. "What habit?"

"Talking your mind out loud," he chuckled.

I furrowed my eyebrows at that. Talking my mind out loud? Is he for real? Oh my. I didn't even realise it myself! I'm lucky this about Hoseok and not about money. If I did that everytime I hit the ATM, I'll surely be robbed. But wait I don't even know when I'm talking to myself. What if I thought about something embarassing out loud? Oh my. This bad. Get hold of yourself Kim Taehyung.

Yoongi held his cupped his hand against my cheek and whispered into my ear, in a singing way. "You're doing it again, Taehyungie."

I felt myself blush and goose bumps ran across my skin. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

Jungkook's POV

I found him leaning his head agaisnt the wall, body huddled at the corner of the room. He had his earpiece on, plugged into his phone that lay beside him. His eyelids were shut close, possibly unaware of my presence. It's a good thing he's not crying anymore.

I came towards him, put my knees onto the carpeted floor and plucked one of the earpiece off. His eyes shot open as he jolted away from me.

"Jungkook?" he half-shouted.

"I always wonder how cuter you can ever be," I smiled, before pecking the tip of his nose. "Why are you sitting here all alone?"

He shrugged a bit and replied. "I wanted to be alone; settle down my thoughts and have some alone time. I wanted to cry my eyes out but I'll faint again if I do. So, listening to my favourite song is the best option. The singer is really talented. Charming too."

"Oh, you're flattering me too much," I brushed my hair to the side. "I'm glad you love the song though."

He frowned a bit before cracking up. "You thought my favourite song was your song? For You? Hah- I'm sorry kookie but it was a good song, don't get me wrong, but I ain't that cheesy. It's Big Bang's newest song, Sober. It's weirdly addictive to me."

I huffed and blew a strand of hair away from my face, pouting. I stood up and held a hand out for him to pull himself up. "Let's just go get dinner."

Jimin's POV

We arrived back at Jungkook's house with the maids greeting him as soon as we reached the front door.

"Sir Jungkook! Jimin! Welcome home! You must've been so tired working on your concert. We were worried when you didn't come home for a few nights. We quickly set up dinner as soon as you called. We hope you enjoy!"

Susan and Mary looked just like they were last week while we.. well, a lot have happened between us. We're lucky we're still together. I slipped my hand into Jungkook's and tilted my head up to look at Jungkook and finally realised the eyebags under his eyes. "Where have you been sleeping?"

"Many places actually. Practice room, concert hall, backstage, front seats, toilets, cars, you name it." We walked pass the living room and into the dining area, finding a nicely set up table with a cuts of steamed salmon on plates.

"I'm sorry I didn't help you out. You must've been really stressed out. I was too caught up with myself and my mother's death. I'm really sorry kookie."

"Jimin, it's okay. It's my concert anyway. Oh and talking about the concert, I saved a seat for you in front so you can watch me perform," he said. We took out seats, sipped our drinks and began eating.

"That's great! The only performance I've seen from you is for For You, and it was amazing. I have pretty high expectations on you," I giggled a bit before winking teasingly.

"Jimin," he held my hand. "I have three surprises for you during the concert and I hope you'll really love it because it's your first ever concert."

I clutched his hand in mine and squeezed it. "You're getting my expectations higher now, you know?" He shrugged, tilting his head. "I'm really looking forward to it."

"And I am nervous as hell," he chuckled.

the next chapter will be on the concert. im a bit busy. there are two major tests coming my way next week and im dreading. this was a bit of a slow chapter. sorry my cheeseballs..
DoubleFi are practically best friends right now. shes amazing <3

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