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Jimin's POV

The week passed by painfully and sleepless for both of us. I have been using toothpicks and tape to keep my eyes open. Revising from book to book on every subject. Even though I mostly got everything in my head, no one should ever be over-confident about himself. Jungkook has been in his recording studio day and night, recording, writing and discussing with Yoongi-hyung and Namjoon-hyung (or by their rapper names Suga and Rap Monster). Jungkook was a bit hesitant on having them discovering about our relationship but he told them anyways and they were totally fine about it. Namjoon-hyung didn't really care as he was more interested in the underground world than the idol top charts. Plus, he said that contributing his rap in an idol's song wouldn't hurt his status. Yoongi-hyung was overjoyed. He told us that he has been waiting for his moment to shine again and his unique rapping voice really made shone through the demo. This week has basically wrecked both of us, but now, with all exams over and the song done, (as how TaeTae put it in words) we are as free as released farts.

"There's one twist though, baby," Jungkook moved his body to the side to face me. "It's in Japanese,"

"Seriously?! Wah- I- I didn't know you could speak in Japanese! Why haven't you let me listen to it yet?" I asked, turning my body this time to face him, the blankets wrapped around us. Japanese has been my second language since primary school but I've never heard any Korean idols singing in Japanese before, so this is a little bit surprising. I took a deep breath of the air around us: oak tree and the strangely comforting smell of Jungkook's clothes. Morning scents.

"We're going on a date today. You can check the song out later," Jungkook brushed my fringe aside with his thumb before placing his hand on my cheek.

"Said Mr. I-have-nothing-to-write-and-I-am-so-desperate," I rolled my eyes, earning a chuckle from Jungkook.

He kissed my forehead before getting off the bed and holding out his hand.

"You. Me. Date," he said, as he pulled me up.

"No. Me shower. You wait," I pointed to the bed for him to sit down.

"How about: Me. You. Shower," He whispered to my ear. Talk about trying too much.

"No, Jungkook. Just no," I pushed him away and headed to the shower. I can't be too soft around him all the time. I have to show I'm not for Jungkook's use.. Even though I nearly died when Jungkook said that.

Why were we arguing in cavemen language again?

Jungkook decided to bring me to some fancy restaurant which is owned by his company so we don't need to pay for anything (very important point) and there will be a private room for us, so that's pretty good.

Jungkook's POV

everything's Settled now
all You Need to Do is have ur cute Little date Done And call us Out. we'll Be waiting behind The curtains

alright :) interesting capitalization btw

i believe In random Capitalization. the Rules of capitalization Are so unfair To the words in The middle.

weird point but touché

I switched off my phone and swallowed my saliva. I hate being nervous.
We reached the restaurant that was filled with throngs of customers and sneaked pass them to meet Zico, the waiter I hired to reserve our room, so that he can lead us there and we can finally have some extremely late breakfast (since Jimin and I slept through the morning and afternoon to regain our energy).

There were two red velvet tall-backrest seats in the middle of the room along with a table in between them and maroon walls that were decorated with golden french designs at the top and center. The moonlight seeped through the translucent sheet of the luxurious curtains, making the room looked almost as if it was taken out from a scene from 'Dark Shadows'. A huge crystal chandelier hung on top of the scrumptious-looking food that was has been served for us. Jimin was widely-agape in front of me, with his hands failing to cover his flushed cheeks.

"This is so beautiful," he whispered.

I chuckled before pulling his hand and settle him down onto one of the chairs.

"I can't believe GD designed this place! He is ahmazing," he said after gulping down his mango juice.

"Excuse me, but I'm the one who brought you here," I retorted.

"GD's still amazing.. Unlike you," he looked at me from the brim of his glass and started cracking up after looking at my offended expression.

"Whatever, baby. You done with your food?" I asked, smiling a little when I felt my pulse quicken.

"Yeah. You wanna go now?"

"Right after this," I stood up and half-jogged towards the curtains behind us.

I held the curtains and took a deep breath. It's okay, Jungkook, you've practiced enough. I exhaled and pushed the curtains to the side, revealing Rap Mon, Suga and a couple of back up dancers. I looked back at Jimin who had a shocked expression on his face.

"I have a little present for you," I smiled at him. Adrenaline was rushing through my whole body as we positioned ourselves. This is it. The music started playing and we danced in memorized, synchronized moves. I sang my heart out when my parts came and kept my eyes on Jimin the whole time. Rap Mon and Suga rapped with unbeatable swag. I might ask them to be featured in my album. Who knows we might be an awesome group in the future?

Jimin's POV

"For you..."

The song ended and I rushed up to Jungkook's, enveloping him in my arms. I clung onto Jungkook like a kuala bear before getting my feet back on the ground. With my arms still around his neck, I stared deep onto his eyes.

"Jungkook- I-"

"Shh baby," I didn't even realise I was crying until Jungkook wiped my tears away with his thumbs, cupping my cheeks at the same time. "Before you say anything else.. Jimin, will you be my boyfriend?"

My eyes widened and I quickly pulled him into a kiss before chanting out. "Yes yes yes!! I love you so much, Jungkook. Thank for doing this for me! I can't repay you-"

"Jimin, this is not money matters. I love you from the bottom of your heart and you accepting my request means everything to me. Thank you, Jimin for answering me," I gazed at him for awhile before hugging him.

"Thank you for making me the happiest person in the entire world," I muffled against his leather jacket.

I released him and turned to look at Namjoon-hyung and Yoongi-hyung. "You guys are good." I commented.

"Good? That's the only word you can think of?"

"Mm.." I thought for awhile before answering. "Yeah, I guess so,"

Namjoon-hyung looked away for a moment to sniff his nose before looking back at me. "Jimin?"


"You got no jams."

updates will be more frequent so expect an ending sooner or later
i'll also be releasing a new book after this so stay tuned!!
thank you so much to my readers. seriously, from the bottom of my heart, i love you all cheeseballsssss
and jikook is official so yay!!!

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