Three things I will tell you, my dear;
1.) There are many sunsets in your eyes that I've witnessed in the short course of time we've had together. How they always looked in despair and how tears always sprung from the corners, releasing lifelong agonies of wasted time and distressed memories. However, I want the sun to stop setting down from your eyes. Just like the morning rush of new beginnings and high hopes, I wish to witness how the sun rises from your eyes. I will let the sun rise from them. I will lift you, higher than you can ever imagine.
2.) I will hurt you. You will hurt me too. It's natural for us to feel pain. It's also natural for us to feel lonely in each other's company. I think it's also natural for us to get tired of each other. The existence of which we all feel is also the very condition of the existence of you and I. However, it's not all butterflies and rainbows for the both of us. It's about growing up, of learning, of trying to get to know ourselves more. Of being together and not being together. In the absence of presence, we know who we truly are. And in the presence of absence, we know how we can survive.
3.) It's likely we'll never end up together. One day you're going to be exhausted of me and you will pack your bags and leave me. I might do the same thing to you too. We will hate each other's guts. We will date somebody new and try to make it work. We might end up marrying someone else's too. You will give your heart to that person and you will be happy you did. I might experience that too. We will take the best foot forward and will never look back to whatever we had. But we will never regret a thing about it. Because it taught us well how to be a better person around the one we truly loved. I see you from where I sit and you're shaking your head because I'm telling you things that saddens you. But let's be realistic. Like I said, it's not all butterflies and rainbows. It's about jumping off the cliff and not being afraid of falling. It's about not being afraid of being afraid. Courage, dear. That and confidence about yourself. You'll make a great one true love, I tell you.
A/N: Song on the side is The Hardest Part by Nina Nesbitt.

Poetry"Forgetting is a lot like leaving someone or somewhere you recognized as home." (Copyright © Flores, Catherine 2015)