What if Katniss didn't Volunteer?

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"Prim, It's Ok, It was just a dream. Your name is one of thousands, they won't pick you!"
The dream was to real to believe anything she was saying. Effie Trinket, the capitol lady who picks the Tributes from district 12 walked to the giant bowl of perfectly neat handwritten slips of paper. She reaches in to grabbed the top paper. She walked to the microphone and took a deep breath.

"May the odds be ever in your favor!" She unfolded the paper and took a look around. "Primrose Everdeen!" The next thing I heard was a scream from a girl's high pitched voice. My eyes opened but the scream was still there. My sister Katniss, ran in to hush me down. She held me for a few minutes as I tried to get over the fear that still ached my body. I knew she had to leave soon though because She left every morning. Sometimes for different reasons, but mostly to hunt. So when she got up to go I still had to ask.

"Wait." Im always worried she wasn't coming back. "Where are you going?" She saw my expression and calmly said

"Gale and I are just hunting. I will be back before the reaping I promise." She said. Every time she went into the woods-which was illegal- I always worry.

"Be careful." I said, and gave her my best smile. Now she was back and we were only minutes away from the Reaping whistle, the only sound this entire district feared.

"Katniss, what if it is me? What if I have to go to the Capitol and fight in the arena? What if I die?" She looked at me and said

"Prim, your name is in there once. It won't be you." I decided she was right. There was the whole district worth of names in there, I was only one. It won't be me.

I stood with the little kids and waited for Effie to come on the stage. I waited to see who was going to be participating this year. For 73 years the Hunger Games have been active. I was scared standing there alone. I thought about my dad and How he would have been the one hunting this morning for our evening dinner tonight. He would have brought back the deer or wild turkey or something and Katniss would have been home with me the whole time. Then again, if my father was still alive, my mother would have been there for me too. And for Katniss. But we haven't had our mother for five years since the explosion that killed my father in the mines. My father was a respected man, and though I don't remember much of him, Its enough to assure me that He would have been able to calm me down even before Katniss could. But I'm just going to have to get through this by myself.

Finally, Effie is on the stage and talking into the microphone, starting Althea video that is played every year. I don't hear anything though. I just continue looking through the many 12 year olds around me. No one here will be picked, they can't. Each of them just one name of thousands. I looked behind me at Katniss. She gave me a reassuring smile and I returned it with one of my own. Katniss should be the one worried, not me. Her name is in there 20 times, mine once. She should be scared of being taken away and forced to possibly die in an arena. But she is strong, Katniss could win if she was chosen. I couldn't, with my small figure and lack of skill, I would be the first to go. But Suddenly, things seemed different. I seemed more confident about walking out of here today. I felt on top of the world!

That all changed. As the video ended and Effie walked to the bowl full of the girl's names, my heart sunk. What if I knew someone I knew got called? Gale was in there 42 tines, and L my best friend Rosemary too teasers for he family of 5, which means her name is in there 6 times. Effie was back at the microphone now, and once more she wished the odds to be in our favor, and started tearing the tape off the paper. Who's name was on that? She took a deep breath, and just as in my dream, said my name perfectly.

"Primrose Everdeen!" I stood in shock. I couldn't move and I suddenly felt dizzy. Me? Had I heard her right? ME!? I only had one slip in there! How is this possible! The guards were at the end of my row waiting for me an though I had trouble, I walked to them. I started for the stage, and as I did I looked at where Katniss was. She was gone. She was there a minute ago, she smiled at me. But I don't see her now. What if she is trying to take my spot? To go into the arena? No! I can't let her! How would my mother survive? Already I was at the steps, and Effie was practically pulling me up on stage. I looked for Katniss and again didn't see her. Some people around her spot seemed to have worried looks, and some of them relieved. Did they know me? Or feel bad for a poor 12 year old? Unlikely. They were probably so happyThey weren't chosen and would live for at least another year. But I wouldn't live for another month.
I hope you all enjoy this story! :)

What if Katniss didn't Volunteer? (Complete) (2013 Watty Award WINNER:)Where stories live. Discover now