Part 23

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After we get back with Glimmer and the leaves, Rue is up. After a day and a night of sleep, I'm guessing she will be up for a while now. She is really happy to see that I found them. Apparently she doesn't remember when I first found her and held her hand. She is so thankful that I got the leaves for her and she is hoping that she will be able to help out again soon.

"You need to stay rested. Don't move your leg to much and we need to keep more mix on your arm and head." I tell her. Her head looks really good, but her arm is getting worse. Unless we get a parachute or something, she may not make it. In fact, the medicine she would need would be a lot of money, even from the first day of the games. I tell her to stay put, and I go up to the next branch. Peeta and Glimmer are talking and I can't help but over hear them.

"Why do you want to be with us so much? Why an alliance at all? You will just end up killing us if we don't die first. We aren't a strong group like the careers. Why us?" Asks Peeta.

"You don't understand. I can't expect you to either. Prim is only one year younger than my aunt was when she volunteered. She wanted to be the youngest to win from our district. She had blonde hair like Prim. So when I see her, it reminds me of my aunt. I never actually met her, but she had the most beautiful green eyes." She says. When she mentions the greens eyes and blonde hair, something clicks. It seems like I have heard of someone or know of someone who has blonde hair and green eyes. There is something else to and I can't think of it. I continue to listen.

"My aunt, she was very skilled. She learned as much as she could before she volunteered. At least, that's what my family tells me. She was in the second Quarter Quell. She picked that year because it was the most challenging. In fact, she probably would have won. She made it to the final two." I realize it now. The blonde curls, green eyes, the way her mouth would form into an evil smile. Glimmer was related to the girl Haymitch fought during the Quarter Quell! The one I never actually got the full battle from. I listen closer.

"Well, my aunt was with the other careers of course. They had just killed a girl, I think from your district. Maysilee Undersee was her name I think. She was something of a fighter, since she made it to the final 5. But my aunt killed her. Then went after another boy from your district. Haymitch Abernathy I think. He was the winner. It was just those two left and things got bloody. Haymitch holding his insides in, my aunt had an eye missing. I watched the video of it and it was sick." She gives a small laugh.

"Anyway, she threw an ax and I thought for sure that it was over. But it missed him and went down a cliff. They waited, thinking maybe one could out last the other. Which, if that was the case, my aunt would have won. Haymitch had to many vital organs cut open and internal bleeding. That was obvious. But, out of nowhere, the ax came back. Landed itself right in my aunts head and it was over. Haymitch had won. But Prim. She reminds me of her so much. The way she looks, but not the way she acts. I know she killed the girl from 4, I was watching her. She doesn't feel good about it either. I watched her face and the careers were walking away. Like, she knew she needed to kill someone, but she didn't want to." Peeta is silent. He must be thinking the same thing. Haymitch killed her aunt. I want to talk, but Peeta does for me.

"Glimmer, you know Haymitch is still... alive? He is still a mentor. He is actually our mentor." He said the wrong things. I can feel the heat from Glimmer as she is shaking furiously trying to control herself. I know she can't, but I don't know what she will do.

"Why... Didn't you... Tell me... This before... I teamed... up... with you..." She says slowly. Peeta tries to calm her down.

"I didn't know she was your aunt. I didn't know you even knew her. Haymitch told us how he won but he didn't finish. He just got up and left because he was getting upset. I'm sorry, we really didn't know." Peeta says calmly, trying to settle her. I know she is still very mad.

"You mean, you have talked and lived and ate with the man that killed my aunt?" She snaps at him. I don't expect the next thing, though I should. Glimmer puts her arms on Peeta's shoulders and shoves him off the branch they are sitting on.

What if Katniss didn't Volunteer? (Complete) (2013 Watty Award WINNER:)Where stories live. Discover now